Another "Hacker News or Reddit for X" :)
It may just be me but there seem to be more vertical communities forming as of late.,, and Designer News are a few other more recent examples in the startup space.
I don't have much to say about the product, but the marketer in me thinks it's interesting to see startups creating communities around their industries.
LayerVault with Designer News
HubSpot & Moz with
Qualaroo with
Best part is that these startups are actively focused on building great communities instead of just pushing their products.
I think there's room for a startup or anyone interested in analytics to start a community around analytics (Hacker News for Analytics). Emailed @hnshah asking for his thoughts on the idea, looking forward to hearing them.
Wrote a blog post on startups building vertical communities today,
I think they're a great way to build brand awareness in big industries.
Thanks for writing, Osman! The money quote:
"For startups looking to grow really large , especially those in big industries with large incumbents, building a vertical community can be one way to help achieve massive growth."
Although some vertical communities will and cannot achieve massive growth and that's OK. I will also add that community provides defensibility against incumbents within that vertical.
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