Mathilde Collin

Front (iOS) - The easiest way to work with team inboxes (on your iPhone!)

We launched Front in 2014 and have been working hard ever since to make teams more productive through collaborative email.
Check out the latest version of Front here!

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Mathilde Collin
Hey everyone - I’m a co-founder of Front and I'm excited to share our iOS app with the Product Hunt community! Front is the easiest way to manage team inboxes (contact@, help@, press@, Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts or SMS Twilio numbers). Now you can easily start a conversation from your computer and pick it up from your phone, when you are on-the-go. Download it from the App Store and take it for a spin. We hope you love it as much as we do! :)
Jason Hitchcock
Fantastically simple and powerful support product. Consider evaluating against your traditional helpdesk stack. Sidenote: I once shared an uber pool with @collinmathilde. I would have given her 5 stars for coolness if uber asked for a review. edit: accidentally left this as a child comment instead of a separate​ parent comment. PH needs "delete comment" feature.
Mathilde Collin
@jasonhitchcock hahaha, thank you Jason!
Johnny Quach
Would this be usable as something to replace zen desk or fresh desk? Or is this simply for bucket emails (press, hr, and etc)
Mathilde Collin
@johnnyquachy It would replace Zendesk or Freshdesk! Happy to tell you more about this use case if you want (
Andrew Brackin
@johnnyquachy This is how we used it, scrapped zendesk.
Fantastic! With the iOS application, this is now the best alternative around
Danny Davis
@gsempe Agreed - I asked (told) 3 of my companies to move to this ASAP : )
Mathilde Collin
@ddavis thanks ;)
At, Front not only powers our helpdesk, but we've also hacked it to become a workflow tool for all internal operations. We use it to manage and distribute tasks to all our ops teams, it has enabled us to scale our business significantly. Great work team Front!
Matty Mariansky
We love Front! A great way to support users, while keeping it personal. To the user it feels just like he's emailing with you (rather than "we have opened a support ticket, and you will be answered in a month by technician #234234"). It's perfect for small teams like ours. I also have to say that Front's own support team is very responsive, and the product just improves all the time. Keep it up!
Greg Barbosa
Been using the Front iOS beta to run my company. Excited that this morning it was officially released. The integration with Facebook and Twitter is what sold me immediately. Having a central hub to handle all my customer inquiries is the best thing I could ask for. @collinmathilde, your team has been doing amazing work! Keep it up.
The only support app we've stuck with.
kurt braget
Front team are hustlers, good job!
Gamal Helmy
Great tool. Just switched the team onto it!
Dylan Jhaveri
Very happy about this! I'm loving Front so far and now happy to have it on iOS
Haseeb Awan
We are using it for last 6 months or more and very happy with it. Fantastic simple tool to improve your productivity !
Andrew Brackin
I love Front. Respond to 70+ emails a day using it. It means if you email us you get a respond a lot faster than you used to and don't get any janky templates or auto-emails.
Wayne Sutton
I've been using Front iOs for months. Love it. Great app and service. It really helps saves time communicating with the team and our users.
John Clover
I've been using Front's native desktop app since January and it's been great. The app is fast, and the team has been super responsive to my needs as a customer. I can't wait to try this out.
Shashank Saurabh
Amazing app and service :)
Cam Doody
Front's API integration with Twillio that allows us to text from our computer and have responses come back to a shared inbox has made for HUGE increases in productivity for our staff and is super user friendly. Mathilde- you know Bellhops loves Front!
Mathilde Collin
@camdoody thanks, Cam!
Apurva Roy Choudhury
Have been wanting to move to Front from Helpscout for a while now. The only thing holding us back was the lack of an iOS app, so glad to see this! :) Mathilde, iPad version of the app anytime soon?
Mathilde Collin
@apurvarc we'll work on it! :)
Kevin Li
Huge fan of Front, the iOS app is really well designed.