friends!forever is a social network where you cannot "un-friend". Keep in touch with the people you know and plan activities together. No ads, no tracking, no algorithmic feeds. It's how social networks were always meant to be.
What started as a funny idea eventually turned into a project I deeply care about. I mean, come on, a social network where you cannot unfriend? What is that? Yet to me, friends!forever is something more than just another microblogging platform (though it's *mini*-blogging, I guess?).
It's a very opinionated and specific vision of how social networks are meant to be: with a chronological feed that consists of people and conversations you genuinely care about instead of an algorithmic dopamine carousel; where social circles are made of friends instead of strangers; as a place where you come to hang out online instead of being constantly manipulated by greedy corporations; with no counters, annoying notifications, constant nagging, and beeping. This is the kind of social network I want to use.
Looking at what is going on with social networking on both sides, I hope friends!forever brings a refreshing perspective.