Friday Go
The Best 1st Search Result
Seth Goldin
Friday Go — The Best 1st Search Result
Friday is your AI assistant, helping you find the answers to your questions right in the browser. Ask for explanations, examples, conversions, or synonyms - Friday augments Google, enabling exploratory and open-ended learning through creative inquiry.
Otman Alami
Data is not updated, last update was in 2020, try to ask what a year we are, and see for yourself
Nithin Jawahar
Congrats on the launch! @goldinguy Looks interesting. Will try it out soon.
Seth Goldin
Hey all! Super excited to share this new approach to Friday! We've taken your feedback from our web app and developed a new product, an extension that integrates Friday's helpful answers directly into your existing workflows. We hope you find Friday helpful, and please let us know what you think!
Gaurav verma
Is Android app in the pipeline?
Rashida D
Good luck!
Naina Rajkonda
Congrats on the launch!
Atul Mahajan
Great Work
Ayaan Ahmed
great idea!
Jaydinesh kartapandi
Congrats on the launch, All the best team!!
Namrata kadam
Shushant Lakhyani
Wow, now we'll have an AI browser assistant
Vijay Patidar
Best of luck!!!!
Great Work
Chetan Kudnekar
Congrats on lauch