Arkanath Pathak

Music Walker - Explore and play (via YouTube) songs similar to a seed song.

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@arkanath please make the playlist exportable!
Arkanath Pathak
@patrick91 should not have missed that. Next update for sure!
Arkanath Pathak
@patrick91 Update! The playlist is now both exportable and importable! Thanks for the suggestion :)
Arkanath Pathak
@bentossell yup ​forgot to do so :) That's another light web app that I created this holiday. Most of us are in search of new artists or genres when it comes to music, and Music Walker is built keeping this in mind. If you have some song in mind, this app will create a whole playlist based on that song (a common feature for streaming services). But what's special here is that you can mark off the songs (by rating them) you already know and the playlist will update based on that. The algorithm on the backend is a simple random walk which uses the and iTunes API's.
Ben Tossell
@arkanath Nice. I like music recommendations as an easy way to help you discover old and new gems :)
Ben Tossell
@arkanath tell us the inspiration behind building this
Greg Gibson
Is "1" or "5" the highest rating? I am asking because I chose "5" for a bunch of songs I really liked, and then I noticed as I continued to do that, the songs I rated a "5" weren't on the list. Just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I don't see it specified anywhere. Thanks!
Arkanath Pathak
@mobilegreg Any song you rate gets removed from the explore list, the rating, however, ensures that songs similar to that song get better scores. And yes, 5 is the highest rating :).
Arkanath Pathak
Hey Guys! Today I have added Spotify as an alternative service for song recommendation. The problem with was that it didn't contain many of the new songs. Also, I have added some crucial features which Music Walker lacked at the time of launch. Thanks for all the consistent feedback from the users!