Founders' Book
Tools, resources and templates for founders and startups
Goutham Bandaru

Startup Cards — Startup jargon cardified and simplified

150+ cards (PDF and PNG format) to learn startup jargon in the easiest way.
Goutham Bandaru
As a startup founder, it is important to know what you are talking about. If you are an entrepreneur talking to potential customers and investors, you have to show them you understand your industry and have some skin in the game! You frequently find yourself in situations where business people (who have probably got an actual MBA or serial founders/operators) use acronyms or jargon to either try and confuse you or make you think that they know what they are talking about. Startup cards are a fun way to learn the jargon and get yourself familiar with the "unicorn language" 🚀
Thoughtful product. Congrats!
Goutham Bandaru
@basharath Thank you :)
Andrew Glenn
Fun and light. Thank you for sharing @goutham_bandaru
Goutham Bandaru
@asglenn Thank you :)