Hi Everyone! 👋 I'm really excited to bring you https://www.foundationsketch.com/ It's been a fun side project that I've been working on for a while and I'm excited to get it in the hands of other designers and developers.
What is Foundation for Sketch?
Foundation for Sketch is a sketch file that gives you all of the Zurb foundation components version 6 documentation.
✅ 150+ symbol replicas based off the components in Foundation
✅ Matching typography settings at your fingertips through text styles
✅ Every color linked to each component by layer styles
⭐️ Smart overrides enable you to design rapidly
⭐️ Modify the state, size, and labels of each symbol
⭐️ Resize any symbol horizontally or vertically. They’re built to be stretched
First 5 licenses 75% off - https://gumroad.com/l/foundation...
For the rest of you 50% off TODAY ONLY - https://gumroad.com/l/foundation...
Foundation for Sketch