Lyle McKeany

Forkable - A.I. lunch robot that curates & delivers your team lunch

Office lunch - Automated

The best office lunch delivery service for individual, customizable meals. A.I. to automatically coordinate and deliver the best meals for each teammate.

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Joe Kumph
Thanks Lyle! Forkable is reinventing lunch — sacred territory, I know — and we're doing it with some pretty serious AI tech. If you're skeptical (there's a ton of “food startups” promising the moon), trust me, I'm with you, but this is going to change everything: Imagine you're at your desk. Magically, your favourite meal (borscht? Sushi? Korean BBQ?) arrives piping hot (or cold), on time, without you having to make a delivery order on Postmates—or make a call to the restaurant. Best yet, your company covers a portion of the meal—maybe even the whole thing. How’s it work? After completing a survey on your favorite foods and dietary restrictions, our “lunchbot AI” creates the equivalent of a Spotify playlist for you and the rest of your officemates. No apps, no phone calls, no Slack polls asking “anyone hungry?” We deliver everyone's meals at a specified time without you having to do anything (but of course, you can preview meals and switch them, if you want). Forkable is already available in a bunch of cities in the U.S.—and soon internationally! I'll be here all day to answer your questions, food related or otherwise.
Lyle McKeany
@joecode definitely going to tell our founders about this. It looks so good!
Niv Dror
@joecode I dig the "Imagine you're at your desk, and Magically, your favorite meal arrives, on time, without you having to make a delivery order on Postmates." storyline — must get 🏃💨
max mackey
Awesome idea @joecode @nick_nacz, forwarding this link to our office manager! We've used Eat Club in the past and it's been just okay, what can we expect from Forkable? How is it different?
Joe Kumph
@maxmackey @nick_nacz Thanks Max! We've had lots of people switch over from Eat Club. Their centralized warehouse model means lunches can’t be customized, there isn't much variety, and the food isn't as fresh and delicious as the food we get directly from our partner restaurants. Crucially, our lunch bot makes sure you never go hungry -- you literally don't have to think about it at all.
Hannah Moyers
@joecode how many restaurants are you partnered with? And how does that effect growth if you get a mass influx of users at one time?
Joe Kumph
@h_moyers Hundreds... though it varies by region. We're good at getting new restaurants onboard. The main challenge is making sure we have enough drivers is any given region. If we got too many signups, we'd have to create a waiting list as we scaled up. When we originally launched the beta last year, it was literally me operating the entire service, and I had to say no to some 200 person companies as a result.
Nick Naczinski
@rrhoover Pitting robot vs. robot… there is only one way that this can end.
James Yu
We've been using Forkable here since the beginning of the year. It's been fantastic for us. You get to choose between two restaurants each day, and each restaurant usually has 3-6+ entree or salad choices with optional sides. Lunch arrives on time and we see new restaurant options appear each month.
Annie Clark
As an office manager, Forkable saves my sanity on the daily. Getting folks to agree on lunch options is always a headache (even with an awesome, flexible team like mine), so the fact that everyone gets to pick their own food options and it's delivered without me having to do any legwork is amazing. The pricing is also totally reasonable, in my opinion!
Hilaria Bagel
Hey Joe! What's the biggest order you've ever delivered?
Joe Kumph
@mtlbagelboy Hey Joe! We've done some really big companies, including some well over 100 people.
Jake Smith
Just got our first order from Forkable at the office yesterday. It was great!
We use Forkable and it's effortless. It saves our team from the 20 minute daily conversation... "where are we going to lunch." Lunch is done!
Forkable is awesome! We've used Forkable in my startup for over 2 months and it's really really good! You put in ur choices and they bring you lunch which fits ur requirements! I strongly recommend it!
Everette Taylor
Let me know when this hits LA!
Nick Naczinski
@everette Will do! We've actually been prepping the LA market and will begin serving lunches in the next few weeks - will keep you posted
𝐍𝐚𝐫 Նար
@everette Ditto! Deciding on Wednesday team lunches are a nightmare sometimes, we really need this. Question one of our engineers had was: We occasionally stop in Westwood for fresh Persian ice cream when we're nearby. It's not every time, but every 3rd or 4th time. Would Forkable be able to take this into account? And deliver ice cream in time before it melts? Thanks @nick_nacz - great product - looking forward to trying it.
Joe Kumph
@narekk @everette @nick_nacz Cool, looking forward to serving you! We normally offer two restaurants per day, but we have been thinking of implementing a feature where you can get an extra treat from another place like this as well.
Varun ramrakhyani
the website does not mention which US cities forkable is currently serving, unless users sign up.. i guess this information should be present before user sign up.
Joe Kumph
@varun7773 We've been expanding so quickly, it would quickly get out of date. After folks complete our short sign up form, it helps us prioritize our upcoming launch cities. Then we get back to them as soon as we are live in their city.
Could you list the cities you're available in right now?
Joe Kumph
@mechakoichi We're currently live in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, New York and Boston. LA and a bunch of other cities are right around the corner. We've even prepping international cities.
Jen Lee
Great idea! How hard is to get restaurants onboard? It would be super cool to integrate this with Seamless or Postmates.
Joe Kumph
@jenleeny Getting restaurants onboard is not too hard, the main thing is ensuring quality and making sure we have a good operating relationship with them. We send very large orders to our partners and do delivery ourselves. In most cases, if we just sent the orders through external services, it would result in subpar service for our customers. Restaurants, btw, really love us, because we give them lots of advance notice... and our professional drivers make sure their food arrives in great condition, ensuring the integrity of their brand.
John Auden
Can you tell us more about your "lunchbot AI"?
Joe Kumph
@asapauden A little (the full algorithm is a trade secret). Basically we use a mix of machine learning, NLP, and good old fashioned heuristics. We're even considering throwing some deep learning / watson style AI into the mix.
Pame Aranguiz
I love waiting for my Forkable lunch 🙌
Erin Grimm
We switched from Eat Club to Forkable at Darby Smart and are very happy with the options and service. It's nice to be able to have lunch delivered from restaurants we all know and enjoy. I'm looking forward to even smarter recommendations and a mobile app!
Khaled Naim
Congrats on the launch, @joecode! It's been great having you guys as customers, and we may soon be customers of yours ;) we're considering catered lunches once a week. I'll be in touch!
Joe Kumph
@kentuktek Thanks Khaled! Onfleet is awesome!
Frank Denbow
In what ways can the meals be customized?
Joe Kumph
@frankdenbow It works a lot like Seamless in terms of customization. You can change options as usual, and you can also add any special notes you like, which (usually) will be honored by the restaurant.
Atlanta on your list?
Joe Kumph
@jacksonventures Absolutely. We're prepping a full national rollout. And soon international.
Sunil Kumar S V
Absolutely loved the idea!!! Cool!