Forget the Funnel Memberships give SaaS growth leaders a straightforward, supportive, and proven process to find customer insights — and turn those insights into scalable, revenue-generating outcomes.
Here's one word that comes to mind when thinking about @clairesuellen and @ggiiaa: generosity.
They've been giving giving giving to the SaaS community for years.
If you work in SaaS, do check them out, you won't regret it.
@louisslices generosity is the antithesis of marketing bullshit, right? :) Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom on Forget The Funnel multiple times now. 💛
@clairesuellen@ggiiaa@louisslices I was coming here to write pretty much the same thing, but since Louis captured it so perfectly, I'll just add my echo to this.
An emphatic +1.
@lenmarkidan thanks so, so much.💖🙏 We recommend *your* FTF workshop, specifically, to our members all. the. time. Thank you SO much for being along for the ride and sharing your wisdom!
Hi, Product Hunt 👋 (and thanks for hunting us, @hnshah )!
Co-founder of Forget The Funnel here, alongside @ggiiaa . We're excited to share that, thanks to a ton of support from the SaaS community, Forget The Funnel has grown into something *completely new* since its original launch in 2017.
We first launched 3 years ago with a simple mission: help SaaS leaders get out of the weeds of piecemeal marketing tactics, and build marketing & growth strategies that actually work. Since then, thousands of SaaS marketers, founders, consultants, and product leaders have tuned into our weekly workshops, live Q&A's, and expert interviews.
Since then, we've produced hundreds of SaaS growth resources. We've listened to thousands of SaaS growth leaders on what challenges they're facing. We've worked directly with nearly 100 different SaaS companies, as consultants, mentors, and advisors over the years. And we've learned what's missing from most other well-known growth frameworks: a focus on YOUR unique customers, for YOUR unique product + team.
So today, we're launching Forget The Funnel Memberships 🤜 🤛 — because we believe there should be a straightforward, supportive process for finding customer insights, and using those insights for meaningful and scalable growth — *and* because we believe in supporting the SaaS community now more than ever. 🏘
✨ Here are the highlights: ✨
1. You can now easily browse and filter through the 100+ resources (like workshops, live Q&A replays, expert interviews and tools) in our library anytime. All of these resources are *completely free,* as they've always been, and more free resources will be continually added.
2. You can participate in free, monthly Live Q&As, where we tackle the issues and challenges YOU are faced with. In these sessions, we answer your questions, bring tools and templates with us, provide feedback you can act on right away.
3. If you're interested in checking out our Pro membership, you'll also get:
-- Invitations to live, small group coworking and roundtable sessions
-- Access to a private community of fellow customer-focused SaaS growth leaders
-- Our step-by-step Customer-Led Growth Program, which includes 40 video lessons, plus dozens of templates to help you find critical insights about your customers, and turn those insights into scalable revenue-generating outcomes.
We’ve been heads down working on this baby for 9 months, so we're thrilled to finally share it. And we’d be grateful for your feedback and comments below if you've taken part in any of our events, resources or training.
And of course, feel free to join us over at!
Thanks, 🙏🙏
Claire & Gia
Forget the Funnel makes me a better marketer. Full stop.
The insight I've learned from being a member of this community has had a tremendous impact on my personal development, the startup I work for, and the founders I speak with.
Why I'm recommending being a member:
> They share info on stuff that *actually works*.
> The lessons are filled with practical advice, not out-of-reach theory, that I feel 100% confident sharing and presenting to founders. It's because of this approach, we meet and exceed our targets.
> It's not just about SaaS: they show you how to build your own personal brand within the business.
> They've created this honest, humble and a genuinely awesome community who aren't afraid to share their lessons, turn up, and engage.
Thanks, Claire and Gia!
@gingerbeer84 YOU, Lucy, you make FTF so much better. We cannot thank you enough for being a part of this journey with us. You're an invaluable part of what we're building. 💖
@gingerbeer84 HUGS. I'll never forget when we first met IRL at LearnInbound! So grateful for that day. As @ggiiaa said, thank you so much for being an invaluable part of FTF. 💛
I honestly can't say enough great things about Forget the Funnel and the content that Gia and Claire have developed these last 3 years. We are HUGE fans at Sprout Social and my team has benefited a ton from both on demand learning and investing in 1:1 consulting with these amazing women. I have also learned and continue to learn from both women as mentors and colleagues while growing several high performing SaaS marketing teams.
Whether you're in launch or growth mode you will benefit greatly from this content and community. I can truly say it doesn't matter if you are an executive, a new manager, or individual contributor, there is absolutely content and training that will speak to you. I'm so excited to have several team members already in the community and can't wait to see where this goes. Congrats and thank you for putting this membership program out there!
@taraerobertson you've left me pretty speechless, Tara. Your support over the years is felt in my bones. I feel so lucky to call you a friend and learn from you ON THE DAILY. 💖
@taraerobertson Wow. What an incredible vote of confidence and kindness. 🙏 Strong +1 to @ggiiaa's words: we're both so lucky to know you and to be able to learn from YOU. ❤️
@taraerobertson +1000 to this! I continue to learn constantly from this community. The SaaS industry is ever-changing and I'm lucky to have resources like FTF that stays relevant to the challenges we're facing every single day. I have to say that they have helped take my career to the next level and I am looking forward to growing and learning more and more. TY Gia and Claire!!
@ggiiaa you and @clairesuellen are just incredible resources for growth leaders and really anyone building their SaaS marketing knowledge base. I'm so excited to see something like this out there for people looking to learn without living through the often painful learning experiences typically required to get there.
I've worked with Claire and Gia directly and can say 100% that they know what they are talking about. I can't think of a better place to access their knowledge, and their curation of the best knowledge that exists out other than hiring them directly!
Some of the most valuable lessons I learned from @clairesuellen & @ggiiaa were helpful processes and ways to advocate for customer-driven work when I didn’t have managers or mentors to pass on such knowledge.
Forget the Funnel is a resource I come back to again and again whenever I have an inkling of a marketing question, the content is always quality, and Gia & Claire are super generous people. Marketing & growth frameworks and tactics are empty without customer insights — and FTF is one of very few resources dedicated to this approach.
@lethargarian thanks for being part of FTF from the very beginning! You've been an invaluable contributor to what we're building, and it's humbling to hear that FTF has been helpful. 💖
@clairesuellen and @gia sit on a treasure of knowledge they accumulated from hundreds of interviews, and years of experience.
Now they share it with you in a course and forums, q&a, office hours like coworking time.
For me it became engineering instead of guessing.
Y'all, I could not be more excited about this. It's difficult to find educational marketing resources online, especially when you're well into your career. There's no one I'd trust more to teach me SaaS growth than Gia and Claire. I can't wait to register for this. Congratulations and thank you for making such amazing content!
It’s been awesome watching FTF start out and become an incredible resource for marketers and founders alike and it’s amazing to see it evolve and become a full fledged community and learning platform. Claire and Gia are both one of the best marketers and amazing humans I’ve known and so proud to be a small part of this community they’ve built.
Highly recommend the program to polish your skills or learn the ropes.
There’s a lot of guru and marketing bros and bad advice out there when it comes to marketing because everyone thinks they can do it and everyone wants to look smart and sound smart for the sake of internet fame.
Few have been there done that and know how to create frameworks and share that with others. FTF is THAT place where you get no bullshit great advice and learnings without the chest thumping. Do yourself a favour and signup 🤘🏾
I discovered Forget the Funnel this year and it's been a godsend. I don't know what I would do without them. Being a marketer in a SaaS startup you wear so many hats and are expected to be a technical expert in all channels, a strategic powerhouse, and a world-class leader. It's exhausting! Forget the Funnel helped me calm all that noise and made me focus on what matters now! I'm still overwhelmed but I am much more confident that I'm taking the right steps to grow my company thanks to their support! @clairesuellen and @ggilaa are so knowledgable and supportive. I cannot recommend this enough!
FTF was one of the key reasons I was able to accelerate my career and acquire the knowledge to take on new roles and responsibilities. Gia and Claire have created a must-have resource for the SaaS community!
I bought the Pro Membership and have been working through the Customer Led Growth Program for a few weeks now. Would highly recommend it to any founders who aren't from a marketing background - really detailed lessons and videos.
@mrkevmcg Thanks so much, Kevin! I'm suuuper eager to see what you learn from your target audience using the program material. Big things on the horizon for Beacon 🤗
I remember that I took part in the very first webinars and it was so interesting and inspiring. Actually, I am a bit proud that I followed both of you on your way here and wish you a ton of success! GO GO GO!
There are marketers out there who you know are full of sh*t...
@ggiiaa and @clairesuellen are not one of them. They are legit and know marketing inside and out.
But, don't take my word for it. Just watch 10 min of one of their live Q&A and you'll find yourself jotting notes and nodding your head along –
Thanks, Claire and Gia!
In terms of a question, where do you see FTF Memberships going? What do you have in store for it in the next year?
@ramlijohn You're awesome and you KNOW this goes both ways. 🤗 Re: where we see FTF Memberships going, fantastic question. Unsurprisingly, we're 'drinking our own champagne' and leaning *heavily* on what we learn from our current Free and Pro members to inform how memberships evolve. At this stage, we're meeting for a 1:1 call with EVERY person who joins the Pro membership -- and those have been eye-opening.
Our vision is to create a more tailored, relevant experience for members based on their role -- so whether you're a SaaS founder, a marketer, a consultant, or a product leader, you're getting content and support that are relevant to your unique situation and challenges.
We'd also like to layer on more avenues to help our members succeed in their roles, *in addition* to the private community and Customer-Led Growth program material. This is very TBD right now because it needs to be informed by our members themselves, and how they define what's valuable -- but could look like 1:1 or small-group mentorship, or facilitating connections between SaaS founders <> consultants and marketers for hire, or...well, we have about a hundred other ideas. 🚀
if anyone here hasn't heard of claire and gia and their work at FTF (ahem... you're probably doing something wrong), then you need to jump on this membership and get back on the growth path PRONTO, TONTO.
Echoing a lot of other folks in here. Forget The Funnel is not just a resource, but a community for those working as solo marketers or in small teams. I remember I was scrounging for advice that I could implement as a solo marketer until Forget the Funnel came on the scene. Their resources are tailor-made for hands-on SaaS marketers and I guarantee they'll have answers to whatever you're struggling with.
@nandoodles It has been *incredible* seeing you soar and tackle such critical work in SaaS & tech over the past several years. Humbling to hear that FTF helped in even some small way. 💖
As a longtime content marketer and more recent SaaS-entrepreneur, I was more than a little lost on what to focus on for Phlywheel. THANK GOD FOR Forget The Funnel and these new memberships! @clairesuellen and @ggiiaa have created all sorts of clarity for us and helped us get back on track!
If you're a Saas-entrepreneur (or even THINKING of it), JOIN THIS COMMUNITY!
Forget The Funnel has been an invaluable resource for years now and @clairesuellen and @ggiiaa are just one upping themselves here.
A literal one stop shop for everything you'd ever want to know about doing marketing in a very unsucky way. Exactly what we all need right now.
@lovevalgeisler Couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much for being along for the ride, and for sharing *your* wisdom on FTF (more than once!) 💖
I follow Claire and Gia for over 2 years now and it's been my most valuable source of insights on our SaaS business. Having worked with both as consultants for my business as well, they were invaluable for our customer-led realignment.
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Forget The Funnel
Forget The Funnel
Forget The Funnel
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Forget The Funnel
Forget The Funnel
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Forget The Funnel