I like the option to set a reminder email when the future event occurs. We're considering adding a separate feed for pre-release products, in part to give these posts a place to live without overly cluttering the home feed with things that may never launch. In turn, we can send a notification once the product is available (and more). Not to steal Forekast thunder but I'd love peoples' feedback on this, here or on Twitter.
@rrhoover Glad to hear you like that feature! We get a lot of good feedback on it from our users. And as a frequent Product Hunt reader, count me as a vote for yes :)
@rrhoover How would it work exactly? Would the pre-releases be on the same page as the released products? I always like the option of being reminded of stuff - because I easily forget. But there are some startups for that - HypeJar, HypeBadger - they deal with tech, movies, and everything really, but that seems like a large net. What I like is a TARGETED approach. For example, Forekast should deal with EVENTS and PH with PRODUCTS.
So my vote's yes. Why not.
P.S. I may be confusing the definition of 'events' here.
@jtzou Hi Jonathan. It's really encouraging to hear this because it's exactly what we're aiming to do. Glad you're finding it useful and thanks for hunting Forekast!
In case anyone is interested, we do a weekly email summary of the top upcoming events each week. If you don't feel like signing up for an account but still want to be on the mailing list, you can add yourself here https://forekast.com/weekly
Hmm, at first I thought it was about 'events', but I see it's a lot more than that. So I have a question - what makes Forekast better than the competition?
For one thing, I see the layout is according to date, and I REALLY like that. I've seen other sites, who ask the users to add a future event, but you don't?
@V4Violetta Thanks, Violeta. Really glad to hear you like the layout. What we're trying to do with Forekast is focus on curating the events that are accessible to a global audience. So basically those events that can be experienced in some way by anyone no matter where they live. All of the events are posted and voted on by the users. Some of the posts don't fall under the definition of an event, but as long as it has an upcoming date associated with it and falls under the single focus of "accessible to everyone" we feel that the upvotes can decide what is worth discovering on any given day. I hope that answers your question.
Whoa, I literally wrote down an idea like this yesterday. Search would be very prominent, so you could look up your favorite musicians, movies, TV shows, sports, videogames, etc. Then, you can add each "event" to your feed. There's a beautiful visual indicator of upcoming events/"stuff you're waiting for" and your feed is comprised of updates about your events.
So, if you're waiting for a book to come out, you could get an update saying that the author just did a Q&A about it. It's not all about the "final" event. If you're waiting for the Entourage movie, you could get an update saying that the trailer just dropped.
I would LOVE that product.
At first I was like -__- and then I was like 0___0
This is a really cool idea. I imagine you can also categorize a "global event" to be a promotional or sale event that a company does? e.g. McDonald's free coffee summers, etc.
Curious to see where this goes :)
@alirtariq Thanks Ali! Yeah, it's a great point. We've actually had quite a few posts like that and were considering a category or "subkast" specifically for upcoming promotions.
@alirtariq Thanks for the positive feedback! Yeah, promotional events like this are great, because it fits within the context of an upcoming event. Users often post things like "Free Donuts at Krispy Kreme Day" :)
EDIT: Oops, I didn't see that Will had already replied.
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