Espen Kulia

FontFamous - The free vector logo font for showing off your press!


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Guy Malachi
Cool, I wish this was part of Font Awesome
Remmelt van Tol
This is really dope! This should be added at @bramk
Deekshith Allamaneni
Thanks. Add Cnet please.
Anthony David Adams
@adeekshith in the que! Thanks!
Ed Holloway
This is awesome. I just posted a freelance gig a week ago to have someone help clean up all of our "As Featured In" logos ( It looks like a ransom letter right now! ). Hopefully additional logos will be added ( I requested several ) Awesome Job!
Anthony David Adams
@edholloway we are on it! Thanks!
Very nice! Make more logos!
Anthony David Adams
@kristofertm thanks brother. Let us know what logos you'd like to see!
Michael Sitver
I love this idea. Just needs a few more publications. Also, I need to get some more press so that I can use these :)
Anthony David Adams
@msitver Let us know what publications you want, and also what you need help with -- I'm happy to help you get press.
Michael Sitver
@anthonyadams Logo-wise, I could use the AP and Univision. Press-wise, I'd love your help in publicizing Morning Short.