Trent Hazy

Font Awesome - A font of scalable vector icons


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Blaine Hatab
Despite all of the new icon libraries, I still find myself using good old font awesome to quickly get the job done. Easy to control icons up in minutes.
Trent Hazy
We use this icon library everywhere. It's helped us trim down our use of images, and integrates really nicely with ruby. Hard to beat when you don't have a full design team on hand.
Vinish Garg
Already used it for two apps; great review by our clients! It works well particularly for bootstrapped funded startups!
Dave Gandy
I make Font Awesome. Happy to answer any questions folks have. :) @ricburton - I used to take icon requests. But the process always took more time than making them myself. On the upside of making them myself, it allows me to keep a cohesive look and feel.
Richard Burton
@davegandy That seems like a shame. Your project was embraced by the open source community and, in particular, Bootstrap. The creators of Bootstrap benefitted from the help of others. I'm sure they've had to wade through a lot of poorly-coded pull-requests and explain, in detail, why they weren't accepting them. However, I'd be very surprised if some of those programmers didn't then take that feedback on board, improve their code, and submit an update pull request that was subsequently merged. In a similar way, I'd love the opportunity to learn from a more experienced designer like yourself and work to help you close more issues faster. My first set of icons might be terrible and you can tell me all the things I've done wrong. However, if you take the time to give me that feedback I'll go away, work even harder, and improve them. To be clear, I'm not annoyed in any way—I love Font Awesome—I just want to help :)
Dave Gandy
@ricburton That’s good feedback. I’m working on a tool right now to make it easy for folks to make their own custom icon fonts, so hopefully that will help out with individual needs. You’ll start seeing more guides on creating pixel-perfect icons soon. Promise. :)
David Singer
This was my gateway drug to icon fonts. I don't use it too much anymore, as I like to have unique styles or just create my own tiny font. But it's a powerhouse and helped a lot of people learn about icon fonts.
Font Awesome is awesome to get things done quickly. For the extra details ( different colored and animated SVGs ) we're using Iconic
Richard Burton
This is a really great project. The only thing I find a little disappointing is that they're not open to pull requests with new icons or any other designer contributing work. This feels weird since it’s hosted on GitHub and is used by so many other Open Source projects. I went through a bunch of the issues and saw that many of them were requests for certain brands' icons. I created BrandFont ( which has been downloaded thousands of times. I’d’ve much preferred to contribute to Font Awesome. That would have been... ;)