Brian Fanzo

4 New Apps for #Entrepreneurs to Build their #PersonalBrand! - Curate, Leverage Video, Engage, Share Your Voice

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Brian Fanzo
Every entrepreneur I know is working hard as squeezing as much value as the possibly can out of the 168 hours they have each week. So when entrepreneurs here guru’s or speakers like myself talking about investing in their personal brand they almost always tune out or scream I AIN’T GOT NO TIME FOR THAT! Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Need to Invest in Personal Branding? For so many personal branding is about developing your story, conveying your passion and delivering your value proposition all of which most entrepreneurs do well. But as I break down in my #BeYourself online course personal branding is far more than storytelling its digital footprint development, social listening, content creation, content curation, social media management, establishing thought leadership, competitive intelligence and much more. On this episode, I wanted to talk about four apps that I love, and that can help do some of these things in unique fun ways.