Eric, thank you for featuring us :)
Hi all! We are Follow Hunt and we a place where you can find the best people to follow on social media about your interests. Here all of us are trying to collect and categorize the most worthy people to follow.
Yep, it looks like our lovely Product Hunt :)
@oelmekki ha :) yes and no. to be honest we are considering it as a place to take AMA with published people. who knows may be some of them will like idea to speak fans ;) food for thought.
@xzarexhc Indeed, that would be awesome, actually.
@kateserkina you should get in touch with featured people on twitter, like product hunt is doing with makers ;)
Have you noticed that there is only one woman on the list? That's not the "best people to follow" IMO. Most people in tech already know and follow 90% of this list.
Perpetuating the notion that the "best" people to follow are all visible men (in tech and around it) is dangerous.
@stttories don't worry, as a female founder i promise you ill take care of it :) this is a just first day. please go ahead and submit your favorite female accounts.
@stttories don't worry, as a female founder i promise you ill take care of it :) this is a just first day. please go ahead and submit your favorite female accounts.
@kateserkina@stttories As a woman working in a technical space, we have to consciously try to build inclusive spaces because no one else is going to do it for us. I'd definitely recommend prepopulating it with women before tomorrow. But I'll add some ladies and POC later.
Nice work, clean and easy to understand. Think there is a good opportunity to produce the "easier to use" version of LinkedIn, where you search for a simple term and location (find me the best "marketing" people in "Los Angeles" and get a list of results).
A few questions:
- how do you plan to develop an objective criteria for including people? (avoid popularity contest)
- how do you mine signal from noise?
- how do you let the People Hunter tune the result to see "more results like me" or "more people who are likely to be interesting for me to follow"?
@grmeyer Did you see Who Hunt that was featured 2 days ago?
I also considered some of the things you mentioned, and integrated Who Hunt with AngelList so that it's easier to filter the results into something more relevant.
@kateserinka - Sorry to highjack the Follow Hunt thread! Good luck with Follow Hunt, and I think it's an interesting way to provide a daily list of suggested followers. It's also nice that Follow Hunt has integrated the other social networks like Twitter, Instagram, etc..
@grmeyer thanks, Greg.
1-2 . It is all about community. We plan to build strong community with moderators and upcoming section similar to PH. Since we plan to support many different social networks we need bunch of moderators and people who is interested to separate the wheat from the chaff.
3. We will introduce search, similar people, collections and internal following mechanism. Based on what you upovoted, whom you follow, what kind of collections you like and which tags you use to search we will provide our suggestions. I know it is high level, but we are constantly thinking about this. Stay tuned :)
Great job!! It seems like there was a need for this product! A suggestion from someone who analyzes words for a living (attorney), you may want to reconsider the adjectives "worthy" and "best." In this context, these adjectives are describing individuals not products; thus those adjectives might not be appropriate. For example, by same logic, individuals that are not chosen to be posted are by definition "not worthy." Eek. Over time, this may cause build up of negative energy from your membership. Conversely, it appears "best" has a different connotation in tech, so that verb might be okay. I'm not sure?? Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for the the product.
Thanks @erictwillis! This is our third project on PH and I proud of our small team.
Please let us know what you think about idea and our MVP. It is still an early beta: may contains some issues and functionality is very limited. We plan to add profiles, ability to follow users, activity, collections and so on.
Sounds familiar? :) Well, yes. It is a Product Hunt for people.
@rrhoover, thanks for your support and answering my questions.
@sridhar_kondoji mostly people who are active, professional, inspirational, and interesting to follow. Any occupation or interest within legal borders :) We want to build community to decide.
btw, see our faq:
@kateserkina Two quick questions:
- Do you plan to help 'search' a person; else the list is growing too long to find a person I want to follow?
- Do you plan to club/group people via skills or titles (or tags?) for findability?
@vingar yes, yes and yes. we plan all of these and even more ;) 'search and categorization' is core of our product and we will do it someday. today we just published our mvp to see PH community reaction.
and one more important thing is we want to build community which is similar to PH community. We need our own moderators and we want to make our site dynamic and growing.
Just wondering why you need the ability to "Update your profile." by accessing via Twitter. That has to be pushing some people away, right? TBH I would never grant access to an app that had the ability to update my profile. Most have the ability to read tweet and see who you are following, which is fine...but the ability to update my profile? Great idea and concept though -- not knocking it at all (I upvoted it) -- just wanted to give you some honest feedback as to why i wouldn't authorize via Twitter and I would image some others might feel the same way.
@cam_pj no, we did not. We started several week earlier before telescope v2 arrived. Moreover I think our approach is more complicated and requires a lot of social network api programming plus advance site administration.
I don't mean to be a naysayer, but do you think the average person is actually seeking to find new people to follow on a daily basis? There's already too much noise, I'm more interested in weeding my list down. It would be helpful to "hide" everyone that I'm already following upon reason to show me people I already know.
@drewmeyers thanks for your comment. Personally I believe that people need it and feedback we got even here prove it more than less.
Second thing daily updates is only part of the web site. We need it to be dynamic. Another part is powerful search and collections will add more value.
Good suggestion about hiding people you already following! Thanks, we will consider.
@drewmeyers We appreciate your feedback, Drew! Yes, we understand that nowadays people can be lost in their accounts and everyday news feeds (sometimes useless). And actually our aim is to help these people find accounts they need and like. You ll be able to (1) build your own collections (open and closed) from different social utilities in one place and (2) upgrade your collections with new interesting accounts that you can choose by filters, other users' collections or daily published accounts. It will be an alive community where real people can submit and upvote their fav accounts. Simple and transparent. (3) we are trying to build the easiest search-system and interface to save our users' time.
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