Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Flyby - Feel better after a night out

Flyby makes mornings after a night out a little less rough.

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Eddie Huai
Hi Product Hunters, founder of flyby here. Thanks for hunting us today Bram, psyched to be here! Like many of you, I drink once in a while and sometimes it makes the day after a little bit more difficult or way less productive. I also lack an enzyme that breaks down alcohol properly, making my hangovers exponentially worse. Frustrated with my situation and the lack of effective solutions out there, I spent over a year testing different formulations with the R&D team at a leading US manufacturer to develop flyby. It’s a pill which targets some of the main causes of a hangover such as, inflammation, nutrient loss, acetaldehyde buildup and more. If you’ve got any questions about the science behind flyby, fire away! We offer samples online so come check us out at Also, we have a very simple refund policy: feel better or get all your money back, including shipping. Thank you for your time!
@eddiehuai interesting. Any discounts for Product Hunters?
Eddie Huai
@3raxton Thanks! Yeah, you can use PHFAM at checkout for 20% off :)
@eddiehuai brilliant. Is there any way to get free shipping on a sample pack?
Eddie Huai
@3raxton Shoot me an email at hello dot flyby dot co and we'll figure something out πŸ‘
Evan Besser
Hey Eddie - There are a ton of similar products to prevent hangovers in the market today. How is yours different? Thanks!
Eddie Huai
@evan_besser Hey Evan, great question! IMO, there are a lot of products out there that will only target 1 or 2 aspects of a hangover (either through the inclusion of N-acetyl-cysteine or Milk Thistle). We try to approach hangovers by targeting multiple causes such as nutrient loss, toxin build up, inflammation, glutamine rebound and oxidative stress, allowing for a comprehensive approach. A lot of products also fail to address the mental effects of alcohol. Alcohol affects your neurotransmitters (things that sends messages throughout your brain). Specifically it increases GABA production which makes you relaxed/drowsy and decreases Glutamine which gives you energy/boosts your heart rate. This is why alcohol makes you fall asleep quickly but also why your sleep quality is decreased (ever wake up super early after a night out?). We include a pretty novel ingredient called DHM which has been shown to limit alcohol's effect on your GABA/glutamine receptors which'll help reduce the mental fog/fatigue you experience the next day. It's actually a really fascinating study which you can read more about here: Hope this helps!
Hidde IJzerman
This looks nice - too bad shipping is $14.95 for the sample pack. Testing this product must've been hella fun I bet.. πŸ™„
Eddie Huai
@hidduh Hi Hidde, Unfortunately we haven't expanded distribution outside of the US which is why international shipping is so steep πŸ˜’ (but we're planning a global takeover soon!) Also, it's definitely fun when you can consider drinking beer market research...
Lina Yue
This stuff is amazing! Best hangover cure I've taken (and I've tried many!)
Thomas Whitaker
Hi! Would this work the following morning, or would that be slightly too 'after the fact'?
Eddie Huai
@thomaswhitaker Hey Thomas – That would be a little bit too late IMO. While it'll still help speed up recovery time, it's best if taken before drinking so you can start processing those alcohol-induced toxins immediately. Plus the point of Flyby is to prevent hangovers beforehand ;)
Are the ingredients used for this supplement organic or is there some or all, thats are from synthetic chemicals? @fan_andy (my comment makes a lot more sense for this product - but it's less funny)
Eddie Huai
@fan_andy @futi Hey guys – So we everything we put into our formula is natural except for Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), which is a mixture of natural and synthetic parts. We're striving to make everything as organic as possible which is why we also don't use any nasty fillers you'll see in a lot of supplements. Also, we were able to find a more expensive but organic version of ALA so that's something we'll be updating in our new formula which'll come out in 4-5 months!
Samir Doshi
Too good to be true? And I need more drunks to test this not once in a while drinkers hahaha
Eddie Huai
@samir_doshi Definitely not, you can check our reviews on Amazon or our website! And throw them our way ;)
Alec P
Huge fan of Eddie and the Flyby team. Amazing product. I've tried Blowfish & other alternatives but this actually stops your hangover BEFORE it happens. Congrats on the success guys πŸ‘
Eddie Huai
@a_polsley Appreciate the kind words Alec πŸ™
Ben King
I recently backed Morning Recovery on Indiegogo. How does flyby compare?
Eddie Huai
@benkingntu Hey Ben – Nice! I took a look at their formula and it seems like they've got some solid ingredients like Milk Thistle and DHM. But they're slightly lacking in terms of protecting against glutathione depletion. This is a naturally occurring antioxidant that's depleted when you drink alcohol and it plays a significant role in removing those nasty alcohol-induced toxins (which can cause symptoms like headache, nausea, vomiting). We use N-acetyl-cysteine which is precursor to glutathione and is so powerful it's used in hospitals as a life saving treatment for people who experience liver failure from acetaminophen (tylenol) overdose. And from a functional point of view, I think it's a little easier to just take a few capsules vs having to remember to chug another drink after you've had 'one too many'. Hope this helps!
Your site says to take this before bed if it is not taken before drinking. It has been shown that taking NAC post-drinking can exacerbate/accelerate liver damage, whereas taking it *before* drinking has been shown to be helpful. "Pretreatment with NAC significantly protected against acute ethanol-induced liver damage in a dose-independent manner. Correspondingly, pretreatment with NAC significantly attenuated acute ethanol-induced lipid peroxidation and GSH depletion and inhibited hepatic TNF-alpha mRNA expression. By contrast, post-treatment with NAC aggravated ethanol-induced hepatic lipid peroxidation and worsened acute ethanol-induced liver damage in a dose-dependent manner." Source: To be fair, this particular study is in mice, but it should still make one consider a potential safety issue. Has all the research truly been done on this? The recommendation to take this product after drinking ("before bed") seems like a dangerous oversight given the data.
Eddie Huai
@bscottx Hey – We've done extensive research and are aware of that study. Our product also undergoes all the necessary safety/quality testing required by our manufacturer before it's released to the market. As for that study, like you said, it was preformed on mice. They also used significant amounts of NAC (not even close to what we put in our formula) and it was injected 4 hours after ethanol consumption too. We thought the study shouldn't have carried too much weight but obviously we're still extremely cautious to not mistake speculation for fact.
@eddiehuai Thanks for the response, sorry for my delayed reply. I assumed/hoped you were aware of it, and dosing is definitely something that matters (and is typically super-high in mice studies relative to what humans would take). Glad to hear your rationale on not giving it too much weight, appreciate the info
Shaun Shapiro

This stuff actually works and has some science to it too.


Effective and easy to use


Remembering to take the pills