What is Flow-e?
Flow-e is a visualization layer on top of your Gmail or Outlook inbox. It provides an elegant Kanban-like workflow that's combined with the ideas behind Inbox Zero and GTD. Flow-e eliminates the need for external task management tools and transforms your inbox into a central To-Do app.
Full video - https://youtu.be/DBCNxzDLf_g
Flow-e has sticking power for me... I wrote about my first 10 days here:
Pros:Email & Tasks in the same happy place, ease of setup, handling multiple inboxes (and not just gmail!), really helpful 'power-ups'
Cons:No mobile app yet
I've been using this for close to a year now and they have been super responsive to my requests and support issues, which is great! I was always unorganized with my email, but now I can put them in my separate lists and easily get through them. I love it.
Pros:Nice UI, drag-and-drop, visual organization, ability to create custom lists
Cons:auto-populate emails when composing doesn't work well, not real-time,
I tried using it, but it hangs on a dashboard page, loading things indefinitely.
Pros:Looks awesome
Cons:Doesn't work
Best app I've seen in a long time that tries to reinvent the experience and workflow of processing email. The last one being https://emailgame.baydin.com/. Nicely done - and I don't say that lightly!
Pros:Gorgeous, thoughtful UI. Highly functional. Solves real problems!
Cons:No real "cons" yet, but I wish it allowed exporting tasks to 3rd party systems.