Hi Product Hunt! Thanks to @rrhoover for hunting us!
I’m Susannah, the cofounder/CEO of Flip. Flip is the company behind bounties! I’m here all day to answer questions, and so is my cofounder @rdgthree who built bounties :)
Flip is a marketplace for legal sublets and lease takeovers. People posting their rooms or apartments with us are are often willing to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to anyone who finds them a qualified renter.
We wanted to do a better job of helping them to access not just their social network but also their friends networks and those friends’ networks. Bounties helps us to do that. Basically, people who are looking for a tenant post a listing on Flip with a bounty. This has been in beta for a week and people have already offered 10k in earnable money.
Anyone can hunt a bounty. If you know someone who is looking to move, you can send them links. If they click on a listing and book it, you get paid. There’s no limit to how many bounties you can hunt. Share links. Wait. Earn money.
Flip just released an affiliate model for rental hunting. Share a unique link to a unit with your friends or network, and get paid if they rent the unit.
Curious to see how consumers use this and if entrepreneurial people start doing paid acquisition on your behalf, @susannahvila. 😉
@kunalslab The idea came from our users. One in particular said something like "I want an easier way to pay cash to anyone who will find me a subletter! so we can't really take credit for the idea haha...
@kunalslab@susannahvila here is another idea, instead of listing spaces wouldn't it be better to collect where and what kind of houses people want and list/match those with realtors or homeowners that actually have a matching space.. Basically the renter won't be looking for a space, but the space would be looking for a renter, completely "flipping" the system.
I'd love to see something like this in the UK, but pretty much all tenancy agreements will include a clause stating that you must not sublet the property. So you'd need to own the property and find a lodger instead.
@theashtube That's interesting thanks for sharing! In the U.S. most lease agreements say you can't sublet *unless you get landlord approval* - we make it quick and simple to get landlord approval. Would this not work in the UK?
@susannahvila Yes that would work if it was a private landlord who could make the decision, but most properties are handled by management companies such as Allsop (http://www.allsop.co.uk/), so they'd have to agree to it.
@theashtube Cool. Yeah. When we get to London part of what we'll do for our users is help them to get approval from companies like Allsop without having to do more than send an email.
Hey @susannahvila .. interesting product!
If SEO is important part of your user acquisition you might want to move from blog.flip.lease to flip.lease/blog
Reference: https://moz.com/community/q/moz-...
The real estate industry has run on refferal fees, but only for licensed agents. Bounties now democratizes that incentive for the masses. This increases will increase market efficiency and reach.
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