Fleksyapps are built directly within your Fleksy keyboard, letting you use services like Yelp, Skyscanner, GIPHY and more without ever leaving your conversation - no matter which messaging app you're using!
I've been using Fleksy on both Android and iOS since it launched and I never found something that feels so fast. Lately, I've been switching back and forth with Gboard and Swiftkey because Fleksy didn't have useful predictions for my language (Romanian), but I can't wait to see if this update fixes at least part of that.
I miss the swipe-to-delete-word gesture on every keyboard other than Fleksy and the shortcuts extension is a blessing when having to enter email addresses or often used emoji/kaomoji.
• Awesome swipe gestures
• Useful top row that can easily switch between numbers/shortcuts/predictions
• Beautiful and original design
Thanks @alin23 for your feedback! We're constantly improving our product and your support is invaluable. There's so many changes, updates coming ahead - especially around languages!
Congrats to @oplante, @xfarrarons and the Fleksy team on this release. Not only is the Fleksy keyboard fast and powerful, but the addition of Fleksyapps showcases how content should be incorporated into all points of messaging. Fleksy's leading the way here and has done an awesome job advancing on what's possible for keyboards.
Disclaimer: Vlipsy is a proud launch partner of Fleksyapps and couldn't be more excited with what Olivier and team are doing for the keyboard space. Well done!
Today, we’ve reached a major milestone at Fleksy Keyboard. Fleksyapps and Fleksynext Smart Assistant are seeing the light, paving the way to a new smart keyboard revolution.
It all started few years ago, from a tiny group of friends to a well established team competing in the market.
Each Fleksyapp is powered by a brand “member” and part of our larger Platform of mini-apps accessible while you type. And with Fleksynext Smart Assistant, we’re bringing a local & secure deep learning prediction engine to the masses: the smallest deep learning model in the world by 100x. So, as your conversation is about eating out, we bring you restaurants nearby at the tap of a button.
If you’ve reached this point, note that we’re growing fast, hiring top talent, adding more fleksyapps and raising a hefty capital round for the future of typing across any interface. Get in touch if you want to change the world!
We're eager to hear your feedback ! Drop us a line
Olivier, CEO, on behalf of the stellar Fleksy team!
Read more: https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/0...
@oplante Haven't had a chance to go through the full list of integrations, but is there currently anything to manage payments? Would find that useful 👍
@coconidodev Thanks. Yes, atm, Apple has put too many barriers in front for our platform to flourish -- it's mainly due to memory consumption allowances and that's why we don't yet focus on iOS but Android. It's in our plans though but ETA to be confirmed.
This looks good but a bit of buggy I found or may be I am using it wrong way
1 - When suggestions appear for word (I have disabled auto correct) and click it it doesnt change the word many time.
2 - When I click suggestion and it adds . to the end of the word why? How to disable that?
3 - Randomly the keys positions change on the keyboard a bit. May be I am feeling this because I am new to this one.
@evivz thanks for your feedback
For all your comments - can you send us video captures of it at support@fleksy.com ? It'll be helpful to see what's wrong
I've been using Fleksy on both Android and iOS since it launched and I never found something that feels so fast. Lately, I've been switching back and forth with Gboard and Swiftkey because Fleksy didn't have useful predictions for my language (Romanian), but I can't wait to see if this update fixes at least part of that. I miss the swipe-to-delete-word gesture on every keyboard other than Fleksy and the shortcuts extension is a blessing when having to enter email addresses or often used emoji/kaomoji.
Pros:• Awesome swipe gestures • Useful top row that can easily switch between numbers/shortcuts/predictions • Beautiful and original design
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Tried it over a week ago and so far haven't switched off it
Pros:When perfected, this is a game changer
Cons:Inevitably more integration would be fantastic for this to become truly invaluable
Fleksy Developer Platform
Fleksy Developer Platform