macOS menu bar app to manage time zones.
Antoine Plu
FlagTimes — The macOS app for anyone working in multiple timezones.

Flag Times is a tool to quickly and easily see what time it is in other time zones within the Mac toolbar.

Pavlo Pedenko
Have you considered joining Setapp?
Piérre Reimertz
@graver_ua I have not, never heard about it tbh. It's quite a good idea! :) edit: sent them an request. Will let you know what happens.
Nagarjun Palavalli
This is pretty amazing! What would make it even better is if there was a way to check something like "What time would it be in [X] if it is 11 AM local?". I've been looking for a tool to do that so I can easily coordinate meetings. Would be even better if there was some kind of time scale with two time zones that I could drag to see what the time would be. Any plans to build something like this?
Piérre Reimertz
@palavalli Great idea! Since the app seems to get some traction now, I will most definitely start adding features to it and this could be one of them! :D
@palavalli Hey! I currently use Clocker which has a slider feature that enables this
Piérre Reimertz
@palavalli @manny_orduna Seems like a legit app, future updates will definitely be inspired by this app. :)
I'd pay x20 the current price easily. It's super helpful, good job!
Piérre Reimertz
@vesln 🤑 wow, thanks! 🤑
Jamie Lawrence
I love it! I just wish I could customise the labels when displaying two timezones from the same country (e.g. New York and Denver). Instead of [GMT-6] and [GMT-4] I'd rather give them labels or just leave it as duplicate flags
Piérre Reimertz
@ideasasylum thanks for the feedback. I’ll investigate a way to customize labels for the next release, I promise! :)
Patrick Burtchaell
@ideasasylum @reimertz +1 for this! I live in US CST and would love to display times for PST and EST. I just wonder what that would look like because both are in the US (e.g., multiple flags?).
Jamie Lawrence

It's an essential tool for anyone working in a distributed team


Easy to see where my colleagues are in their day


The configuration UI is a little finicky


I have friends back in Toronto and I have a tough time remembering what time its best to message them. This is super helpful for allowing me to plan calls and video chats


Easy to use and beautiful design


I haven't really seen anything like it before

Nick Kwan
Literally the only app where you don't have to click or hotkey anything. Beautiful. Clean. Looked all over for a similar app but free but couldn't find one 😂 😂 Great work @reimertz
Piérre Reimertz
@nwkwan 🎉 🎉 🎉
Antoine Plu
Since I'm working remotely with different timezones, I was looking for a dead simple mac status bar to being able to give a quick look to the local time in each city. I was kinda desperate to not found what I wanted until @onaliugo found for me FlagTimes! It's exactly what I needed, I love it 😍 🙌 More details regarding the features : Multiple Flags You might work with people from multiple countries. Don't worry, FlagTimes support multiple flags! Customizable FlagTimes comes with some settings such as am/pm time, auto-start on login. Trustworthy FlagTimes is based on Apples own clock. So if you trust your computers time, you can trust FlagTimes! Battery safe I hope you will run FlagTimes all the time so I made it super efficient.
Piérre Reimertz
@onaliugo @antoineplu Thank you very much @antoineplu for the love! I was in the same situation you where in when I created the app but couldn't find one.. So I created FlagTimes. :)
Clocker app on the App Store does the same thing; and it's free.
Simple and very straight forward! Love it!
Piérre Reimertz
@tnsrig Thank you, really appreciate it! :D
Fred Rivett
Super cool. I love how narrow the focus for this is and how much value it provides to those with colleagues/friends/loved ones around the world. Why didn't this exist before? Great to see this is paid too, it seems high quality so it should be. Just bought this. Great work Piérre! 🙌
Bought and installed it, so far I like it but I hope you can add to show the current location "Date" and just hide the "clock". @reimertz
Piérre Reimertz
@menjxo good idea and definitely something I will add in a future update. So excited to work on this now when I have a bunch of users! 🎉
Piérre Reimertz
@menjxo Hey, just pushed some improvements, adding this feature. Should be available within 12h! 🎉
Great app and so useful, thank you thank you.
Piérre Reimertz
@androidlove oh man, comments like this makes it worth it. :)
Piérre Reimertz
Hi all! I am Pierre Reimertz and the maker of FlagTimes. It's such a pleasant surprise to see this on Product Hunt now when it's out of beta. :) I myself was working remotely just like @antoineplu and got tired of doing time zone calculations in my head all the time. So after a while I wondered; there's gotta be a simple tool out there that can show you multi time zones in the menu bar? It turned out, no! So I wrote a hard-coded version with just the time zones I wanted, but after friends and other remote people around me saw the app, they wanted it as well... So I was like, let's build this thing! And here we are, a couple of months and some beta iterations later and I'm quite happy with it. If I start to se a bunch of users, I will most definitely add more features to it. 🎉🎉 Also, since it's on ProductHunt, I will lover the price to $0.99 🎉🎉 Edit: OMG this is on the front page, seriously humbled right now! -> https://twitter.com/reimertz/sta...
Piérre Reimertz
@antoineplu @josefrichter I don't know why, but it feels like a life achievement having someone quoting you in this particular Futurama meme.
Edwin Arbus
We have team members in multiple time zones--this will be so helpful!
Piérre Reimertz
@edwinwee thank you Edwin! Let me know if Stripe would be interested in some kind of corporate license.
Andrey Azimov
Great app!!! I use it already for 2 month starting from early beta!!! Wish you success!!!!
Piérre Reimertz
@andreyazimov thank homie! <3
Adam Kimball
windows windows windows windows windows windows windows windows !?
Guillaume Boiret

I want to give it a try!




Take to much area in the menu bar

Mark Tiderman Jr

I've been using it for a few months and I'm really impressed. I live in Cincinnati and work with clients across the globe.

I highly recommend using bartender with this app as you will need the extra real estate if you add multiple timezones.


simple, clean, fast


none so far

Luke Wheatle
Great App!!, I'm currently constantly Googling "Time in ......."
Piérre Reimertz
@extracreative Thanks Luke! Let me know if you have any feature requests. :)