Mubashar Iqbal

Fiverr Elevate - Free <5 minute lessons to make a living as a freelancer πŸ€“


Fiverr Elevate is an online academy with everything you need to start your business or freelance career. Step-by-step tutorials on topics such as taxes, healthcare, and productivity explained in 5 minutes or less by experts from companies such as AND CO, Visor, eHealth, Wealthsimple, Stellar Formation, Fundbox, and many more to come. πŸŽ‰

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Mario 🦊
Hi Producthunters! Our team here at Fiverr built Elevate to give you access to the services and education you need to start your business the right way. After years of working with freelancers and small business owners we see the same questions pop up over and over again: β€œHow do I file my taxes the right way?”, β€œHow do I get insurance?”, β€œHow do I create contracts?” etc. - so we created a series of free online video tutorials, all 5 min. or shorter, to help you launch your business or freelance career. πŸŽ‰ Fiverr in partnership with experts like AND CO, Visor, eHealth, Wealthsimple, Stellar Foundation, Fundbox, and many more to come πŸŽ‰ Would love to hear your thoughts!
Juan Felipe Campos
Congratulations on the launch!! I've been using Fiverr to build and grow lean startups for about 5 years now. Great to see how you continue to innovate and push the industry forward! Big fan :)
Mario 🦊
@juannikin Thanks so much, Juan! Definitely let us know if there are other classes you'd like to see in the future. Hope to see you around for the next 5 years ;)
Eva Reder

I've taken plenty of courses online on Udemy, Lynda etc but they usually take quite some time. I like this better. I don't want to spend hours learning how to do my taxes... I'd rather it take 5 minutes and go back to topics I enjoy more.


Short (<5 min) tutorials with actionable advice


Not enough videos yet - looking forward to more!

Mario 🦊
Really glad to hear this. Thank you!
Ramon Williamson
When I first saw this, I thought: Fiverr is launching an online courses platform (Udemy, Skillshare) for freelancers. I wonder if that’s in part of the plan? Being able to sell short how-to courses on Fiverr would be awesome. Hmmm Wherever’s it headed, helping freelancers level up the business side is a good move, and this is a great start! Thanks
Mario 🦊
@ramonwilliamson Thanks, Ramon! We're definitely keen to keep providing educational tools to freelancers/SMBs - through a variety of channels.
Juan Felipe Campos

Awesome job.

This looks like the start to an even bigger project of free training and resources for freelancers. Excited to see how it evolves moving forward.


Info AND tools for creating proposals, contracts, managing cashflow, healthcare, taxes, and more. Takes about 30 min to watch everything.


None– it's free. If you're self employed or freelancing on the side while you bootstrap your startup... you'll want to check this out.

Mario 🦊
Glad you like it, Juan :) Definitely keen to keep adding to it and evolving it.
Eva Reder
I love it! I literally just paid for a course like this on Udemy but still haven't finished it. It takes hours and honestly I don't particularly "enjoy" thinking about topics like accounting, taxes, or health insurance. Love that these little tutorials are relevant and explain the basics in just 5 minutes. Great job! Looking forward to seeing more content like this. Also the promo deals are awesome.
Mario 🦊
@e_reder Thanks, Eva! That's exactly the idea with Elevate. Short, actionable content to help you level up. Appreciate you checking us out!
Ash Phillips
Hey guys, this sounds great but noticed a (very amusing!) error in the subtitles: Instead of "It also has it's hurdles" it says "It also has the turtles" πŸ˜‚ Love it but you may want to fix (or keep it as an easter egg)? πŸ˜ƒ
Mario 🦊
@theashphillips Hahaha, if there's one thing the freelance life could use is a few more turtles 🐒🐒🐒! Thanks for the catch!
Leif Abraham
Good stuff
Antonio Viggiano
Great content, congrats
Jon Andersen
Great set of services, i've used several of them for running my own business. Having recommendation from industry experts is really helpful!
Mario 🦊
@andersen_jon Glad you're gonna get to use 'em on Leap Second man. Thanks for your last minute help on some of the details!
Eva Reder
I have a question for the makers: Do you have to take a minimum line of credit from fundbox to claim the credit??
Mario 🦊
@e_reder Good question! There's no minimum to my knowledge, and absolutely no minimum credit requirements either! If you have any questions or issues, definitely feel free to reach out about it :)
Thomas Schranz ⛄️
What are your plans for the business model? freemium?
Mario 🦊
@__tosh It's actually totally free! The videos are available without a login, after that, all you've gotta do is sign up to get access to the offers we've secured through negotiating with partners. Let me know if you think we're missing something!
Oliver Batsell
Hey! That's me in the video! Learned a ton thanks to Elevate!
Mario 🦊
@oliver_batsell Natural-born star. Great to have you onboard mate ;)
Kris Montello
This is a really exciting product from Fiverr and I can't believe it's 100% free. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned vet, there's a lot to learn here! I definitely can see myself coming back to this again and again.
Mario 🦊
@kris_montello - so glad to hear it! Let me know if you have any questions.
Lior Albeck
Awesome! Simple and beautiful product.
Mario 🦊
@lior_albeck Thanks Lior! Appreciate you checking it out :)

It’s really helpful on this time get something straigh to the point and helpful. Keep it up guys πŸ’ͺ🏻


Short and Simple


More content

Mario 🦊
What are the classes or topics you'd most like us to tackle next on Elevate? Would love any thoughts!
Hadar Consari

Great job!


I love everything about Fiverr



Eric Y Chen

I've been using fiverr in general as a business owner so the expansion in product offerings to help educate me and automate more processes is definitely helpful!


all of it is relevant for business owners


can't think of any, looking forward to more info

Stefan Puchinger
Great stuff! Especially valuable for non-US founders who need to navigate topics such as taxes, company formation etc. A visa section would be interesting!
Mario 🦊
@stfnp93x That's a super interesting idea, Stefan! Definitely think that would be an interesting topic for us to address.