Join the likes of Andrew Warner from Mixergy, John Lee Dumas from EOFire and others by listing your profile on First 100 Influencers! Grow your influence by being discovered by new fans, followers and clients on First 100 Influencers.
@marckohlbrugge We were definitely inspired by sites like and You built a great MVP as a fun experiment, we are building a full product and have more features to come. We also wanted to give you some friendly competition to help validate your idea. A month from now, there will be someone else pushing the idea even further.
@mikerowan This I agree with. Self-vetting via payment is the same way of selling ad space, not picking awards. Individuals with the most to gain financially will buy these slots, not the people who actually deserve them...
@mikerowan@nickabouzeid Thanks for the feedback Mike and Nick, we'll be working on more ways for true influencers to rise up and get more exposure over time. p.s. SendGrid is so great, had zero problems every time I have worked with it!
Hello Product Hunt!
Thanks for checking out First 100 Influencers. We built it to showcase the top 100 influencers in each industry.
We decided to charge for it because A) we like money, and B) it provides some measure of screening so the quality remains high.
The first spot in every category costs $1, and the price increases by $1 for every profile listed, all the way up to $100.
BONUS: Once all the spots are full, the plan is to let you sell your spot on an open market and make some cash from the sale.
@daviswbaer What are your measures of screening so quality remains high? Also, letting users sell their spot to the highest bidder contradicts your quality measurement statement. Be honest, it's not much more than a quick cash grab!
@andrewwarner Thanks for joining and thanks for reaching out. We'll have some more information coming out soon that talks about the site in more detail. I'll let you know when it's available. Thanks!
@andrewwarner Thanks for reaching out Andrew! To follow up on Micah, we wanted to put together a database of top influencers categorized by industry, but we also wanted to make it fun and add a "cryptokitties" element to it.
Once all the spots are filled, the next step on our road-map is to add a marketplace where people can buy and sell their spots. Because there is only a finite number of slots (100 per category), we believe the value of each spot will appreciate significantly!
"Check me out, I'm listed on this site as a top influencer!"
"Cool; who recommended you?"
"OK, so it was an application type thing and they checked you out and awarded you this?"
"...well, not exactly. I paid $1 more than the other guy."
"Oh, well then, congratulations are in order."
I liked the idea and the actual page itself so one can discover & connect with different industries' experts. (Via social links that are given on the bottom of the profiles)
@chrisjohnsoct After my observation, I would say these people are more like industry active leading people, that get noticed on different social channels and they are good at what they do.
How do you recognize the ones who are experts?
What can be a social media influencer selling price in the future if I buy it now? How to determine that? Is it dependent on the platform's success? Also does this work in India? Looks interesting!
@sagar868 Hey Sagar, the future price will be whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Because there is only a finite number of spots, it could very well be substantially more than you paid for it.
We use Stripe to process transactions, so you shouldn't have any issues using it in India :)
I'm building something very similar to this without the cash grab - a neutral discovery site that's actually useful to find real influencers across different industries. Let me know if you're interested in the launch and would like to support an ethically correct version of this product :) I'll personally follow up with you and you can contribute early feedback if you like!
Today we are launching a new feature called "Top 100", it's a list of the top viewed profiles, did you make the list? https://www.first100influencers.... #influencers #top100 #marketing #Announcement
This seems like a cash grab of - THERE'S ONLY X AMOUNT OF SPOTS, BE AN INDUSTRY TOP INFLUENCER FOR $1, $2, $3, up until $100 (increases per spot taken)... There's not vetting as far as I can see. Also, the top 100 influencers should be able to afford MUCH higher prices.
it's incredibly low-price, for what that's worth for the top 100 influencers
Afraid anyone with $$$ can claim to be a top 100 influencer... Oh wait, that's true.
Thanks for your review Chris, appreciate all feedback. Whether people like it or not, money is a significant symbol of influence (deserved or not). People spend a ton of money to buy a Tesla to show off their status level, in our case, at this point paying for a listing is part of showing your status/influence. (but on a super low cost level). There is more to come, to build more features we need funds, our revenue model helps to support that.
@chrisjohnsoct Thanks for your comments. Influencers come in all shapes and sizes, it's certainly not a perfect system. Various aspects of being an influencer is having a bit of an ego, having a social following, being the first or be popular in your market, having the drive and ability to promote yourself (through free and paid tools) and many more traits. We believe that over time the true influencers will shine through and find value from the site. We are just getting started, we'll have ways to help make this goal a success. Just because a product/service has a revenue model, doesn't mean it's a cash grab, it's just smart business. We have a long way to go to break even at this point.
Feels like a vain version of sponsored content, but instead of promoting a company and/or their product, you are promoting yourself. In a world where quantity of accolades and awards brings an individual validity, I can see how you identified this as a revenue model. I'm sure you guys will find plenty of customers so congrats on filling a need for those who seek instant recognition. I just personally feel like recognition is earned, not purchased. I'd feel far more satisfaction from being recognized by an institution or organization whom I respected than knowing I invested money into what I hope is a label others associate to me.
@erikwgarcia We'll have more ways to validate the quality/influence of profiles and ways to promote individuals and their services as time goes on. We got our MVP out the door and have been happy with the interest so far, much more to do still. Recognition can be earned over time, just because you are "Popular" doesn't make you a good influencer and simply because you are "Small" doesn't mean you are a bad influencer. Sometimes the smallest voices make a big impact. A few days ago basically no one knew of me, today thousands of people have seen something I have built, I have received positive comments and some negative ones, my influence has grown significantly in just a few days, why can't anyone have that same type of opportunity? To build a product long term you need a revenue model, we wanted something simple and approachable by anyone no matter their status.
Vision Directory
Open Makers
Open Makers
Open Makers
its simple and sweet .. if you come early then you will get on low price.
i get membership on low price.. its good.
Pros:easy to use, user friendly, quick sign up
Cons:need to add more share option inside profile
you can built your profile .. and it will increase your business .. even 4 to 5 people also contact me by checking my profile.
Pros:user friendly, low price only 1$ to 100$
Cons:haven't find anything
Open Makers
Invisible Character Viewer
Open Makers
easy to use, user friendly
Pros:Low Price
Open Makers
This seems like a cash grab of - THERE'S ONLY X AMOUNT OF SPOTS, BE AN INDUSTRY TOP INFLUENCER FOR $1, $2, $3, up until $100 (increases per spot taken)... There's not vetting as far as I can see. Also, the top 100 influencers should be able to afford MUCH higher prices.
Pros:it's incredibly low-price, for what that's worth for the top 100 influencers
Cons:Afraid anyone with $$$ can claim to be a top 100 influencer... Oh wait, that's true.
Open Makers
Open Makers
Open Makers
We spend bucks to get a boost in our influencer profile, but this method seems quiet strange.
Pros:It gives us a platform to showcase our profile
Cons:We are paying for being listed as an influencer.