Alexis Riols

Coding is fun! - Series of logic puzzles using programming principles


Coding is fun is a series of beautifully designed challenges aimed to teach the basic logical understanding of code!

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Very interesting game, amazing quality. Feedback? Genius!
Dylan S

Fun little game. Share it with your nieces and nephews. No, I don't know the creators. I just had a great time.


I'm 28 and I had a great time. Music is class. Graphics are cuter than an alpaca in the winter.


I completed level 5.5 and the screen turned pink and nothing happened.

Aaron O'Leary
This game is so beautifully designed and it's super fun as well!
Steve Fadini
It's fun for my students. Some were bored at first but were more engaged when they found more challenging examples as they moved on or jumped ahead.
Chris Collett
This is like an enhanced web version of LightBot. Pretty cool.
Rob Witman
This is slick. Reminds me of Robot Turtles
Lee Qixian
Gorgeous! Always impressed with how the web can now do such amazing graphics and interaction.