Kevin William David

FindTheCompany - Learn everything about the organization you're researching.

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Kevin William David
FindTheCompany is a business intelligence portal that provides detailed information on 32 million companies and organizations. With everything from product, competitor, supplier, and financial performance data, FindTheCompany helps you to search, filter, visualize, compare billions of data points. Makes it easy to research the millions of companies that you're considering doing business with.
Elisa Jo Harkness
@kwdinc Can you tell us more about the end-user the platform is designed for? Some here have compared it to LinkedIn, which suggests that the data is optimized for job seekers doing their own due diligence on prospective employers, but 'Similar Products' includes Mattermark. Is this meant to be competitive with eg CB Insights?
Moira Smith
@eliservescent @kwdinc We’ve designed our platform to benefit anyone doing company research. Some of our users include job hunters, investors, business owners, salespeople and people doing competitive analysis. Recently we’ve been really focused on building contextually rich, self-updating company data visualizations for journalists to embed in articles - our partners include MarketWatch, Yahoo Finance, Zacks, Fox Business, USA Today, IBTimes, AOL, VentureBeat, TechCrunch and more. You can find some examples here: While we wouldn’t consider ourselves a direct competitor of Mattermark or CB Insights, (their products are subscription based, while ours is free) we have recently added funding information to the site.
The Red Panda Can
Pretty cool, but I couldn't find some big european companies
Ben Tossell
@redpandacan I couldn't find Product Hunt 🙈 - I see how it is useful but to me it seems a bit bulky. Reminds me of Linkedin and you can see similar stuff... I'm not exactly the biggest Linkedin fan... cc @jnsdls
Samantha Zhang
@bentossell Here it is: http://listings.findthecompany.c... Apparently we still need to work a little bit more on our search feature.
John Dean
@redpandacan There are also cases where the same company is listed once for every current and old location.
Moira Smith
@redpandacan FindTheCompany’s scope is currently limited to the United States. We do have other domains that cover international companies, however. UK - http://listings.findthecompany.c... Spain - Brazil - http://publicacoes.findthecompan... Latin America -
Joshua Dance
Search needs a lot of work. I entered an exact URL and the company doesn't come up. My own company as well as 😀 But once search is better, I like it.
Moira Smith
@joshdance Thanks for taking a look at the site and giving feedback! Search is definitely a tough problem - we are looking to improve this in the future and I like the idea of being able to search by a company's website.
Joshua Dance
@mksmit91 Website like the only way I would search for a specific company. There is only one URL, but there are hundreds of variations on a name. Good luck!
Jerry Becker
Just checked it out and really liked the info presented for the few east coast companies I checked out. Some of the numbers were a bit off, but the amount of information presented made it forgiving. How often do you update the data? And from what sources?
michael dein
@beckerjs Thanks for checking it out! We pull in data from dozens of different sources. Our base information comes from Dun & Bradstreet and Localeze, then we layer in government datasets, financial data from Zacks and Xignite and other niche datasets from other providers. We recently added funding information for privately funded tech companies which adds a lot of information and context to otherwise fairly empty listings. See example for the Product Hunt listing (http://listings.findthecompany.c...). As for update frequency, it depends on the data source, but anywhere from every minute for stock price data and different financial announcements to every month for the core file. We update at the same cadence as our different providers.
Lynn Fredricks
Looks quite useful for background checks, though I found in at least one case the same company was listed as two separate entities. I would guess one is an old record associated with the company's first address, and the other is the current address.
Moira Smith
@lynnfredricks Our database of companies is organized by location - so while a company like Wells Fargo could be considered one entity, we actually get more granular and have listings for its subsidiary and branch locations. Example: Wells Fargo Headquarters - http://listings.findthecompany.c... Wells Fargo Advisors Subsidiary - http://listings.findthecompany.c... Wells Fargo Branch - http://listings.findthecompany.c... With 34 million companies, correctly de-duping companies can be a difficult problem to solve, and there are instances where a company’s previous address may be listed. We’re doing our best to try and solve this problem and rely on our community of contributors to edit and remove listings.
Marin Perez
I just looked up my company and the results aren't even close to accurate. Is this more suited for publicly-listed companies, high-growth startups, etc?
Moira Smith
To showcase one of our ~34M pages while we’re in the spotlight, here’s a handful of interesting insights we’re able to show on Product Hunt: http://listings.findthecompany.c... • The co-founder of Reddit, Alex Ohanian, has invested in PH: • Ashton Kutcher’s investment firm, A Grade Investments, has invested in PH: • The vast majority (76.9%) of PH’s publicly-dislcosed investors are VCs: • One of their investors is based in Michigan: • The problems PH aims to solve with its last funding round: • News articles related to each of their funding rounds: • Compared to its peers, PH’s total funding is lower than average but around the median: (edited)
Greg Gilbert
I just used it to prepare for a meeting. Great tool :)
Haseeb Awan
Looks interesting. Saved it. Many companies are missing but hopefully they will be added soon.
Jimmy Mackin
Interesting idea but the numbers seem way off. Example http://listings.findthecompany.c...
Very cool tool to look up info on competition or for other reasons. I even found myself (as a solopreneur business) which surprised me. I did have trouble registering when entering my own email, but had no trouble registering with the Facebook login option.
Ghost Kitty
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