Hi Product Hunters,
I am David Yang, co-founder of Findo. I am very grateful that Findo was featured today. Thanks Chris @chrismessina! Let me tell you about Findo. I came up with this idea when I constantly was failing to find important emails in Gmail as well as my files and other important documents. Personally, I hate this search field. I can't find my emails! I mean, I could, if I could remember the exact keyword. But in many cases, I don't remember the name of that person who sent me a file, or I may remember but I can't recall the exact spelling. Perhaps I don’t remember the name of the file - only a general topic. Here is another situation. I may remember the keyword but clueless of where I stored the file. I asked my friends, and all of them experience the same problem.
When I counted almost 2M documents in my mailboxes, personal cloud accounts and laptop – I realized this personal data mess needed proper management. It was obvious the solution should include AI technology.
We then conducted research and found that 45% of respondents spend from 5 to 10 minutes to find necessary email, 12% spent more than 15 min! That was an insight to myself, my friends and lots of people who experience the same dilemma.
That’s why we started Findo. I am Gary Fowler, co-founder of Findo.
So what is Findo?
Findo is a google-like smart search assistant across Dropbox, Evernote, Gmail, Google Drive, OneDrive, Outlook, YahooMail, and Laptop, and more.
Findo “understands” human-like language and a user can search by description, e.g. “find presentation from a guy from Boston sent a month ago” or “My ticket to San Francisco from United”.
The coolest part of the product – predictive insights feature. The system “recognizes” email from important people that contain requests and forwards those requests to Slack and/or Facebook Messenger. Your boss sends an urgent email asking for last month's report but you are out of the office. Findo will alert you through your messenger and help you find and share that report in just seconds.
With Findo search bot, people can work in a group more effectively: find files, presentations, spreadsheets, photos, phone numbers and other information without leaving messaging platforms and immediately share it.
Currently, we are implementing state of the art unsupervised and semi-supervised approaches: VAE models, Ladder style model, and GAN style model to create new experience of personal search.
We prepared a special offer for Product Hunters. Support us today and get our Ultimate Plan for iOS app for FREE.
If you have questions I'm happy to assist you.
@gary_a_fowler I signed up using the iOS App not aware that that was the incorrect way to get the 6 months free. Is there a way I can fix this or do I need to delete my account and start over?
@3raxton Braxton, we can solve it very simple - just open the link to our landing page on your phone (the one we provide on this page) - it will open the app with the subscription activated. If anything goes wrong - write me in chat in your app. https://findo.com/producthunt/?r...
Looks awesome, great job guys!
Do you plan to create a bot for Facebook Messenger?
It would be awesome if I could just ask my assistant in Facebook Messenger to get me that file that I don't have access to from my phone. 💎💎💎
@iamsebj Yes, we plan to do the Android app very soon. We currently don't show spam in the feed, and we want to develop the management of the feed further: move to archive, spam, mark as read etc.
@iamsebj got it: icloud doesn't return the type of folder as "spam" or "junk" - we will fix it by filtering them out if the folder's name is junk. Thanks!
Very very interesting! Lots of people grumble about the problem of losing important emails including myself :) Artificial intelligence is a very fashionable word now. How do you actually do it? Any chance to reveal some secrets?
@yelena_ab Thanks! Some of our approaches are classic, some are very brand new. As we experience with semi-supervised and unsupervised deep learning for smart search and automatic tagging (we plan to release it soon), we also use NLP mechanism for query analysis and classifiers and NLP for extracting the smart objects (like "tasks: your boss wants you to do or "recaps")
We dream about unsupervised generative chat bot and move in this direction of course.
Totally awesome product! I wasn't able to find the pricing structure super easily. Could you elaborate on your pricing? @freakygadget (after free trials and etc.)
@as_austin we're currently testing the plans - we will always have a free version and think of using 2 plans: one for more history depth, the ultimate one for infinite search and pro features like image search etc.
@anatoly_marin Hi Anatoly! Currently, we use elasticsearch + our own logic to build the ontology of personal data. We use combination of NLP and machine learning for information extraction and queries analyzing. We also have very promising things on semi-supervised and unsupervised deep learning. Actually, Findo is a fusion of great things in NLP (we have 17 years experience) and latest deep learning activities
Nice and ambitious plan, will definitely test it! From my point of view its' overall success depends on how smart AI is, because otherwise for me is much easier to check e-mails on my iPhone when I'm out of the office, what I actually do:)
@vadim_rogovskiy we also look through files and notes and plan to integrate with messengers. And have a cool feature we plan to develop - "predictive insights". We notify you if any of your emails is from an important person for you and contains a request like "please send the slides before Monday". Hope it will save your time! As of AI - we plan to make it smarter every week. Thanks!
Love the app. Can find everything and anything right away, which is a pain with all the zoo of different server-specific search engines with their unpredictable search results. Thanks for saving me hours of life!
@abhisihelp I'll copy my answer above: We have an agent for windows and mac with minimum functionality: you can index your hard drive/flash cards and search from your desktop
@baskelos security is not only a bot issue. It is our service #1 priority - so we have Rick Orloff (former Chief of Security in Apple and Ebay) as our Advisor. We do not store passwords or original documents and have very strict policy about separating data from users and having access to data bases or index. You can read more here: https://findohelp.zendesk.com/hc...
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