
Fetch - The smarter way to get what you need delivered by Target

Target Fetch is a convenient subscription service designed to automatically reorder select household essentials through the use of three smart products: toilet paper spindle, paper towel holder, and soap pump. Leave reordering to Target Fetch, and get precious time back wherever you need it most.

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Dan Dan
Why support a brand as big as Target on a crowdfunding site? Why pay for their development? If they move a fraction of their profits towards their labs I think they can launch this bizarre experiment on their own.
Sam Parton
@tostartafire because support = interest, and interest = sales. Without support, you get no sales
Well it's official. The toilet paper spool was the very last item in the home that had not yet been replaced by a connected device. Funny side poll: What's something else random in the home that isn't connected yet, but will be funny to see someone tackle?
Joe Pettit
Is this really a pain point in life for real people? I mean, I get that it is kind of cool in a futuristic sort of way, but the service its self costs money in addition to the cost of the paper towels / toilet paper / soap. I can't imagine how I would ever convince myself that this is money well spent, especially in a world where we can get things delivered to our door in an hour or so after ordering them.