
FBAmultitool - Amazon Sellers Product Analysis Tool


Avoid buying stock that sits on the shelf while online lookers pass your products by. Discover a new way to analyze brands & products you plan to sell on Amazon. Start your Amazon journey the right way.🚀

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Hey Product Hunt Community! 👋 Zak, Founder of, here. Some of you might think how can a 7 year old project still be classed as a startup?...Well I can tell you it's been quite a journey & a lot of drama at point’s I’ve thought of giving up, maybe a lot of people would have after 7 years. But I’m still a believer in the product, my unique ideas have pathed the way for multi million dollar Amazon SAAS businesses. So FBAmultitool sits here patiently waiting for its turn. When it comes to selling on Amazon most sellers will go down the route of finding a wholesaler, distributor or even a retailer to buy from, this can be a good way to find sellable stock but how do you know if your stock is actually sellable? With Amazon holding over 4 billion product listings on the platform obviously some of them are going to be duds… Amazon has a lot of barriers in place from restricted brands & categories to extremely high fee’s! I know of many sellers who have actually purchased stock from their supplier, spending thousands! To find out when it comes to listing the product..ohh s*** I can't sell that item. Imagine not having to worry about making mistakes like this again. With FMT (FBAmultitool) you’ll have all this at your fingertips: 🖩 Fee Calculator 🚫 Brand & Category Restriction Checker 📊 Rank & Price History of 4 billion + products 📈 Sales Estimations 🔍🖥️Highlight Search - Search Amazon directly from your supplier's site. 🕵️‍♀️ View Competitors Stock Levels 📤 Export Product Info to Google Drive in 1 Click 💪 Our community of sellers have seen a HUGE increase in productivity and even sales from just making a better all round decision when it comes to purchasing that all important inventory. I’d really love to hear about your suggestions and feedback on FMT. I’ve always built this project based on my community's wants & my own Amazon selling journey. So my ears are always open to guide me along the way.