Dave Ambrose

Fatherly's Dad Joke Bot - A never-ending supply of punchlines in Slack & Messenger


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Loisaida Sam
Being a new father myself, I can confirm without a doubt that this one hits the spot. Nailed it!
Dave Ambrose
In advance of Father's Day, Fatherly is introducing a new bot for Facebook Messenger and Slack to solve the question we've long asked ourselves: what are some jokes we can share this upcoming weekend to pass the time w. family and put a smile on dad's face? I've played around w. the bot and it's actually pretty fun. @mjrawth, what spurred you and team to build this?
Michael Rothman
@daveambrose well someone's gotta own DadJokes (or "puns with punchlines" for the uninitiated) around Father's Day and it sure as hell should be us. Our content skews high brow (to wit: today's State of America's Fathers Summit in NY) as well as pure fun and this falls into the pure fun category. And like everyone else, I'm interested in where the bot space is heading and from a Fatherly perspective, a DadJoke bot is an easy place to start. Our broader interest is to explore how to transform a simple bot messenger product into an interactive FAQ for parents that links to Fatherly content and a corpus of content from the CDC, American Association of Pediatrics, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and others who have a public mandate to disseminate evidence-based information that could be useful for parents.
Jonathan Morris
Attached to slackdads.com - upvoted by dads!
Joel Richman
Q: Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? A: Because they have no body to go with!
Michael Rothman
@xylem Joel, you really have your DadJoke game on lockdown ;)
Joel Richman
Q: What do you call cheese that isn't yours??? A: Nacho Cheese! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!
Joel Richman
Q: Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke? A: He won the 'no-bell' prize! Ahhhh! Ahhh!
Joel Richman
Q: Have you heard of the band 1023MB? A: They haven't made it to a gig yet. Ahhhh! Ahhhhh!
Joel Richman
Why do crabs never give to charity? Because they're SHELLFISH! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!
Scott Peterson
Is this gone? The page is dead.