Gabriel Lewis

Faraday Future FF91 - Super fast electric car

FF 91 is Faraday's 1st production vehicle and flagship model. All-electric, autonomous-ready and seamlessly connected, it embodies our latest mobility advancements in performance, intelligence, and user experience.

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Ben Tossell
The FF91 goes from zero to 60mph in 2.39 seconds The Tesla does it in an *embarrassing* 2.5 seconds 🙄 Faraday Future has faced financial difficulties and when trying to demo the self-parking feature in the presentation, the car stood still 🤦‍♀️ (it worked on the second attempt) You can see the whole demo in the YT video above. Also coverage from The Guardian and also Business Insider
Gabriel Lewis
@bentossell But does it look as good as the Tesla model X? 🙃
Ben Tossell
@gabriel__lewis haha I was being sarcastic about the "embarrassing 2.5 seconds" I would definitely prefer the/a Tesla given the choice!
Reony T
@gabriel__lewis @bentossell that extended rear looks like 💩... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@bentossell I'd like to see how fast it goes when it's not bare bones on the inside. Weight makes a difference. Also, beta car vs production car... 🤔. Nonetheless, it looks interesting.
@bentossell I get that its fast, but that's not the purpose of this car. It's to get around to places safely and in luxury while looking good, and so far I haven't heard anything that would prove that. It's just pointless hype imo
Joshua Pinter
Couple things to say about this video: 1) How did they go from this: to this: 2) Outperforming the Model S P100D by 0.11 seconds, a car that Tesla mass produces about 50,000 a year of, is not something to be making a big deal about. Tesla could spit out a concept car tomorrow that could blow that number away; but that's not the goal, the goal is *sustainable* transport. It's incredible they can do that performance whilst mass producing them and keeping them at a "reasonable" cost.
Marko Islamovic
@joshuapinter nothing really incredible about cost/perfomance since Tesla is being heavily subsidized...
Joshua Pinter
@marko_is I don't think that's a fair statement.
Marko Islamovic
@joshuapinter Just saying there are many car startups maybe even doing a better work than Tesla yet they will probably never see those amounts of subsidies needed for mass production..
Muhammad Meigooni
@marko_is My understanding was that Tesla received loans from the DoE that they paid back, with interest. Is that not the case?
Marko Islamovic
@momo Yup, Tesla did that. Still having an access to 465$ million loan is of great advantage against competitors, wouldn't you agree?
Fraser Smith
Glad to see that FF managed something more credible this year though I think that trying to out-Tesla Tesla in performance terms is a bad move. Regardless, given the parent company's financial problems, I'm still doubtful that this will ever make it to full-scale production.
Jonathan Richman
Is it just me or is the ff website one of the most frustrating, unintuitive, and impossible to navigate you've ever come across?
Javier Gómez-Acebo
@jonmrich I nearly punched my screen. Also, all I want to know is: a) How much better than a Tesla?; and b) How much?
Why? Just why would the world need an electric car that accelerates as fast as a Formula 1 car? You can't use that anyways because of all those speed limits. When I first heard about FF, I though they had a vision to transform mobility. Nowadays, it seems more likely that they will be just another hypercar manufacturer for the Top 0.01%. This won't transform mobility - an affordable mass market EV might have. Last but not least: I think it's not precisely a good looking car, especially from the side. I wouldn't buy it just for its looks.
@josef_moser "..Why? Just why would the world need an electric car that accelerates as fast as a Formula 1 car? .." at some point I'll need to get to B faster than F1 human driver can drive me. I'll invest in faster AI EV over affordable EV any day.
@legalcomplex "at some point I'll need to get to B faster than F1 human driver can drive me..." I doubt that this is a use case for cars. Car traffic is limited by streets (density of traffic, build quality of streets and the human factor). EVs are somewhat limited by battery life. I'd rather invest in drones or other flying technologies.
Fraser Smith
@legalcomplex @josef_moser But there's a difference between getting there faster and raw acceleration. The acceleration that FF boasts in its perceived competition with Tesla is utterly useless. I have a standard single motor Model S and, trust me, the acceleration even in the basic model is fun, once or twice, but deeply uncomfortable to everyone in the car. No car, whether autonomous or not, is going to be able to use such acceleration in real life.
@frassmith ok, could we agree?:‪ Speed is a Necessity. Acceleration is a Luxury. Humans are a Liability ‬
Greg Moore
Seems like FF is more concerned with creating the look and feel of a revolutionary company than building something that's attainable / sustainable. I'd be shocked if this car actually makes it off the assembly line. However, their team could probably start a pretty badass design shop as a plan B.
Will Brennan
[Vaporwave voice] vaporware
Dr. Joseph Santoro
A 4 year old Nissan Leaf is more impressive... because it's not magic.
Christian Prenzler
This was the worst presentation I have seen, beats Tidal's famous failed launch. The company's executives can throw shade AFTER they have the Model being delivered. Definitely don't believe any of the specs. Wouldn't be surprised if the 0-60 was without the massive battery on board (empty stripped and lightweight) and if the parking demonstration was remote controlled.
Michael Sonders
That is an incredible amount of tech they've tried to cram into a v1.0 product. And I don't mean that as a compliment. E.g., on top of still-nascent autonomous driving tech (including "self-valet parking"): - "Every person in the car’s seat will intuitively know and learn your individual preferences using profile identification with “seamless entry” that relies heavily on the company’s FF ID ecosystem." - "The FF ID makes you the key to the car, using Bluetooth and facial recognition to unlock the doors, which aslo continuously but “non-intrusively” learns about you." - "The car will also adapt to the environment as well, with a propulsion system that “just knows” and anticipates the passenger’s needs. It will adjust settings for comfort, performance and safety." - "It also features seamlessly integrated WiFi hotspots in the dual antennas, and transforming wheels to adapt with driving conditions and increase aerodynamic efficiency. Oh yea, and scissor doors and flying buttresses." (Source: Transforming wheels? Ostensibly, they're shooting for "It's magical," but to me, this just screams, "Let's have the most bugtastic product launch possible!" Won't do any favors for their already-tarnished brand or -difficult PR situation.
Nil Vila
Honestly, I was expecting something more advanced and futuristic.
Rashidi Barnett
I also thought they were going to be showing something "new", and I felt the presentation went a little long, and repetitive in parts. They've been talking a lot about their platform and their goals and missions. They had already posted a few weeks back the drag races, so I was a little disappointed. The only thing really "new" was seeing what the car actually looked like, and how the facial recognition would be used. (Don't think I saw that before)
Zack Hickman
It has some neat aspects but at the end of the day I'd be a little surprised if this thing ever sees sustained production.
Reony T
Happy to see some good competition, that is Tesla's/Elon's ultimate goal. But don't like the stab at Tesla directly. Actions speak louder than words, so let's see this in production and price. Looks like a pain in the butt to park too, with that super long wheel base
Tom Frazier
I love the attempt but there is too much 'being cool' for my liking
Steven Rueter
I think it's good Tesla has some competition. It's the combination of all of these incumbents and new entrants and their relentless one-upsmanship that will propel the world forward. Pretty soon there might actually be flying cars. I can't wait. #toinfinityandbeyond
Gary Fung
The fastest vaporware, if not much more expensive and less practical than the Tesla S.
Margaret McGraw
Wow it's gorgeous but you won't be able to use the speed, legally anyway. And the truly advanced features such as self driving, and parking and safety are in question. So no, I think I'll stick to my Tesla dream car. Also since I live in the upper Midwest, having a car that performs well in the snow is important and the Tesla does just that and is actually a good all season vehicle.
Niv Dror