Abhijith J

FakeTweetMaker - Create fake tweets for memes


Ftm helps memers to make and download tweets for free. Just type in the tweet and press download. No extra hassle!!

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Savian Boroanca
really cool when in need of a good joke 🤩
Ionut Anisia
I'm in it for the memes :D
Brayden W
Nice! It would be cool if you could also add an input to change the number of likes, re-tweets, and comments, etc.
Abhijith J
@braydentw Sure, will be adding them soon.
Abhijith J
@sven_le_fers Right now Its randomizing the numbers, on 8/8/2021 there will be an option to change likes and retweets
Glen Creaser
Haha love it!