Rolling out globally over the next 24 hours, you can start a group VoIP audio call from any group chat
You can see the article on TechCrunch h/t @joshconstine
I've actually not used a Facebook call yet. It's like Whatsapp where I may have pressed call by accident.
My Facebook is still full of friends/family/and people I may have met once and feel uncomfortable rejecting (& vice versa) - and I'm still in the mindset that if I'm friends enough to want to chat with you on the phone I'll give you my number. Seems like Facebook is trying to essentially make your number redundant.
I sent a tweet a couple weeks ago saying about phone numbers vs usernames. Logging into a phone with a username could be really easy and will be able to call, message and every thing else. Phone numbers keep seeming like they may be less and less important.
@bentossell@joshconstine I completely agree with the level of personal circles on Facebook right now. (at least for me) I wish it was easier to segregate the work and personal (family/close friends) sides of Facebook.
I think I would like "Facebook at Work" to be a little easier to implement and come across without feeling gated. I also wish Friends Lists on Facebook could be easier to adapt and when you post to certain friends list this wasn't as prominent in the post as it is sometimes.
Very interesting point regarding moving away from the phone number. I guess when you have the power of a username like Facebook that is extremely beneficial and possible.
This is really cool. I'm exclusively calling from Facebook Messenger those days, being abroad where calling is expensive - whereas the data plan is ridiculously cheap. The audio and video calls are very reliable.
One use case in mind: calling all your friends at once to plan a night out, instead of calling them 1:1 and going back and forth until a solution is found!
Messenger is definitely announcing some kickass features this year, but is Facebook in danger of making it too busy? The messaging platform eating apps and calls concept is interesting, but what if that messaging app becomes this really annoying thing on your phone where you can watch the notification counter ticking upwards in real time?