Mozilla Facebook Container - Take control of all your Facebook data
This extension helps you control more of your web activity from Facebook by isolating your identity into a separate container. This makes it harder for Facebook to track your activity on other websites via third-party cookies.
RIP Facebook
Knight TouchBar 2000
Knight TouchBar 2000
Knight TouchBar 2000
Swap Ideas
Adding a sandboxed container for a single website is a temporary fix to an ethical and legal problem whilst the technical solution has been provided to developers and professional users in the form of Ghost Browser 2.
For Firefox users, this is a good start; it has worked well on my Firefox test rig.
I have been using Ghost Browser since it was launched on Product Hunt and Ghost Browser 2 since it was made available for beta testing.
The containerisation of the sessions and tasks in Ghost Browser 2 will not be fully replicated in any mainstream browsers but a few containers should be included in every browser for social media services until and possibly after legislation updates occur.
Pros:Containerisation of all facebook pages and services
Cons:Facebook is still be used; it only works for Facebook (for now)