@kvgauthier it will be free and we are working on to-dos (project managment integration), so designer can have all in one tool, that will be difference.
@nykollam@kvgauthier free for how long? Will premium features be introduced, and if so, what features? Since the free currently have unlimited projects, people, etc
@xinenhong that what is now free, will be free forever :) it will be premium features like - custom branding - team management - to-dos etc... Will speak about that later ;)
@nykollam@bentossell Also double check your spelling ;)
Your "Get Started Absolutly Free" CTA "Absolutly" should be "Absolutely".
There's also a few minor spelling mistakes in the app. You may want to have someone QA it quickly and fix the noticeable ones as it can be a turn-off for some of us grammar Nazis :D
Design and UX looks great however 👍
This looks reeeally interesting. With as much trouble as our studio has had with InVision lately (it seems every day, their product just gets buggier and messier), we'd be highly willing to give this guy a try. Interested to know how soon Sketch integration would be available!
Hey @thejohnnyhill , feel free to try :) we working on improvements and feedback from users in this beta period.I can't tell you exact date for sketch integration but it will be soon.
LOL - Read the name as EveryBro! After thinking about it I figured out that you are Everybody. Is it pronounced EveryBow?
I like your take on app prototypes. You'll want to create a ton of support content for it. Survey your designers to get a list of the apps they use and any leads on templates, tips and pain points that you can help smooth over.
If you have an App Prototyping community you'll never have a lack of users. Rather than reworking the project management commenting and approval workflow I'd leverage Wrike, Asana and other tools with a way to map through you for actual screenshots, templates and plugins/extensions (Photoshop, SnagIt, Sketch, etc). I would look for places where InVision falls short to see if you where you can add value.
Personally I would love to see an app on the iPhone that let you create colored backgrounds, import screenshots , add visual design elements (buttons, text overlay, linking to other pages) and very quickly create rough mockups that can be shared with clients for review and sent to my computer as layered Photoshop or to your Web portal as visual elements that I can edit further.
@riptide360 Thank you for feedback, the name is tough... evrybo = everybody (design and collaborate with everybody) this name is old more than 5 years and it was in my head, long story. We will improve our prototyping that is for sure - in beta is just small set of that, also we will not reworking pm tools, you will see when we release that in future.
I like your idea about iPhone app ;)
Really appreciate this feedback
I'm surprised no one mentioned the title: "Get design feedback on right place", I think I know what you are trying to say but as is written it is not in English. "Get design feedback all in one place" or "Get design feedback in the right place" [depending on intended meaning] or something similar...
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