Nathan Baschez

Everything - A bundle of your favorite paid newsletters


Everything is a bundle of paid newsletters focusing on productivity and strategy. For $20 a month, you get access to the entire library. That's about ~50% savings over what they'd cost individually.

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Ryan Hoover
Love to see new experiments that support indie creators (in this case, writers). @nbashaw @danshipper, if you could recruit a writer to join Everything, who would you most want to include?
Dan Shipper
@nbashaw @rrhoover Great question! So many amazing writers to choose from.. off the top of my head: Ben Thompson Polina Marinova Matt Levine Web Smith Li Jin Matthew Ball We love people who are at the intersection of writing and making. Will see how many of these we can get :)
Matt Ellsworth
Satisfied customer over here. IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER 🤯
Matt Ellsworth
Bit confused actually. I expected to come here and see comments galore... Y'all really not subbed to Everything?
Adam Waxman
High quality writing on focused topics I care about, currently productivity and strategy. It's been very inspiring to see how various companies and people are approaching these topics. In particular I love the Superorganizer deep dives that shed light into how other people are approaching goal setting, prioritization, personal knowledge management, etc. Very excited to see Tiago join the mix. His PARA and progressive summarization techniques have been a total game changer for me.
Arielle Shipper
They're newsletters, but "newsletter" actually sells this product short. They're not only useful, but they're beautifully written, thoughtful, human essays that I look forward to reading every single week. The add-ons to make things actionable like templates and automatic folder organization for your desktop are great too.
John Exley
My favorite notification to receive: something new from the Everything team. I absolutely love everything from SuperOrganizers, Divinations, and Praxis!
Hunter Walk
current customer - i think - so i like seeing this!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This is essentially what Ben Thompson talked about on this podcast.
Sarah Arnold
In a sea of emails, Superorganizers really stands out - the unique, interesting stories & practices of others always make it one of my favorite to read. And loving the Everything bundle too!
Corey Haines
Everything is the newsletter bundle I look forward to the most. Every. Single. Week.
Julian Weisser
“But wait, there’s more” - my reaction every time I hear from Nathan and Dan. Everything keeps getting more epic each week.
Sib Mahapatra
My favorite part(s) of the week are when I see a missive from Everything pop into my inbox :) can't wait to dig into the Tiago Forte oeuvre, and can't wait to read "everything" else on the horizon @danshipper @nbashaw
Alexis Tryon
I love the bundle approach! I already read Superorganizers, but this lets me discover new content I think I'll enjoy just as much. Can't wait to see what comes next!