Mike Kulakov

Time Card Calculator & Project Timesheet - Simple, completely free, no signup or email collection

This toolkit will be useful for SMB owners who cannot afford a time tracking software or don't want to complicate things (although tired of traditional templates in Excel or Word).

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Mike Kulakov
Hello ProductHunters! At Everhour we are working on time tracking and project management app. We noticed that many business owners and solo entrepreneurs, who need to track time, find using a separate time tracking system really cumbersome. They don’t want to sign up, spend time to a complex data entry process, plus they obviously wanna save on monthly subscription... At the same time, they are tired of the ordinary Excel and Word templates. It requires the appropriate software to be installed while templates are constantly lost on the hard drive. Moreover, these templates need to be corrected, when the inner layout is getting broken. There are many online time card calculators on the market now. But, in most cases, they are partially broken, or no longer supported. They ask you to enter email which results in a bunch of spam. They are full of annoying popups, or insert their logo in the printed version of your timesheet that is extremely intrusive. As we are in this kind of thing, we decided to make something useful to a large number of users. Absolutely free and without hidden marketing tricks. We hope some of you will find this useful. And of course, we would surely appreciate getting any constructive feedback. Thanks! P.S. One more very helpful and free tool coming soon. Stay tuned!
Artem Galenko
@mikhail_kulakov hi! looks nice! so it is like simplified version of everhour?
Mike Kulakov
@unrealartemg Well, I'd better say that this is an alternative to downloadable templates in PDF or Word :)