A simple, easy to manage, way of displaying events
Ria Blagburn
Event Calendar App 1.0 — Embeddable event calendar for marketing and selling events
Event Calendar App is an embeddable Event Calendar for marketing and selling your events. Beautifully.
Alex Perry
Hi everyone, 👋 Unbelievably excited to release my life’s work as a solo founder. Version 1.0 of Event Calendar App. Built and bootstrapped by myself alone, ECA now powers the website Event Calendar of over 600 Businesses. My mission is to help businesses promote, manage, and sell events on their own website. Great if: - You run workshops - You’re part of a community that hosts events (churches, local communities, hobby groups) - You sell tickets to events and want to do it from your own website - You want to display your webinar dates and times and allow people to RSVP … to name a few Here's a blog post I wrote about the release - https://eventcalendarapp.com/blo... Use coupon code PRODUCTHUNT for 33% off. Any questions, I’ll be in the comments! Thanks!
Embeddable > Everything @riaface @pezza192