Sam Altman

Eve - Programming designed for humans

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Sam Altman
Top Product
This is the first new programming language and environment I've been excited about in years. Please check it out!
Ravi Vadrevu
@sama Have SSN certificate issues. @ibdknox - Should be a simple fix
Robert Attorri
@raviformative @sama @ibdknox Hey Ravi, we'll see what we can do to get this fixed up for you!
Robert Attorri
Hey folks, Rob here, one of the cofounders - we'll be keeping any eye on this thread to see if there's anything we can do to help, but also feel free to tweet at us with @ibdthor, @ibdknox, or @with_eve on twitter with any questions!
Alexander Obenauer
@ibdthor @ibdknox @with_eve I love the thinking behind this. Really nice work. Excited to see where you all take this.
Robert Attorri
@alexobenauer @ibdknox @with_eve Thanks! We'll be having lots of successive rollouts in the coming months with smaller demos and new ideas to show what Eve can do for different sorts of developers and even semi-technical folks who maybe aren't devs by trade. It'll be some great stuff to stay excited about :)
Kevin Lou
@ibdthor @ibdknox @with_eve Everyone has been saying this but, wow - this is the first programming language I'm truly excited to use. It's a breath of fresh air.
Andrew Wooldridge
@ibdthor @ibdknox @with_eve I've gone to the but even after enabling every code block I cannot get the form to work (no new names show up) Is there something special or assumed that I should be doing? I tried with values "Andrew" "12" and "West" but nothing happens ...
Tony Brix
I'm confused on how this creates actual programs. Does it compile to javascript? or other languages?
Robert Attorri
@kelset @tonybrix It compiles to a query plan which is executed in JS. Hope that answers your questions adequately!
Tony Brix
@ibdthor @kelset I was looking more for how to actually build and deploy an application written with Eve. This seems like a great idea, but it looks more like a proof of concept rather than an actual product.
Daniel Williams
I could really use this page: I feel like I need a degree to wrap my head around this without it. D:
Robert Attorri
@xcadaverx Don't worry, we feel that way too some days :). We've had a lot of help from some brilliant PhDs at UC Berkeley and a few other places to help us find and process all the research that's gone into this. That said, our goal in the long run is to have Eve be much lower friction, abstract away as much code and grunt work as possible with a UI that feels as much like a personal assistant as it does an IDE, and make the whole platform more human-friendly. Until we get there, we really wanted to share what we had so far. More documentation and demos coming in the near future!
Fiess Edouard
Love the idea!!! btw @ibdthor you have a small typo on the first line of the second paragraph : langauge --> language And in the last phrase there's an extra "they". Thought you might want to know :)
Robert Attorri
@fiessedouard thanks for the tip! :) we meant to take that page down but we must've missed it going down our launch checklist. but it's fixed now!
Jon Sutherland
This is pretty amazing. Excited to see where this goes, keep it up!
Alex Spencer
Great programmers are also above average writers. I love how Eve makes documentation a first class citizen!
Imran Akbar
impressive demo, paradigm-shifting work. keep it up guys!
How do I download this?
Robert Attorri
@grooveplex Also check out the Eve docs and quick start!
TJ Holowaychuk
Nice work! Looks really interesting, can't wait to see this evolve.
Justin Mound
Mind blowing demo.
Pietz Prove
the longer i look at this, the more i realize what an amazing idea this is.
Ben Slaney
Nice. Compilers seem to be lagging behind the times more than AI was until recently. Been waiting to see some stuff like this.
Andrew Wooldridge
Have you looked at Runkit (tonicdev) ? They have a similar methodology of code blocks within a page running in realitme. Might be a code sharing opportunity there:
Nathan Windsor
Super pumped about this guys! How can I help you all out? I'm a blockchain evangelist and working on a lot of different software right now.