
ENS - Your web3 username, name for your crypto addresses, & more


The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is an open source blockchain naming protocol. Buy an ENS-native .ETH name or import in a DNS name you already own. It's your portable web3 username, a name for all your crypto addresses, a decentralized website, & more.

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Hey PH fam πŸ‘‹ Are you tired of those long cryptic addresses? They are difficult to remember and easy to mess up πŸ˜₯ Say no more! I found the perfect solution: ENS 🌟 PH is a community of tech lovers and maybe most of you already know about it. Pardon my late arrival to the .eth party but I'm so happy to hunt it today. Long story short; ENS provides one name for all of your addresses. No more copying and pasting long addresses. Use your ENS name to store all of your addresses and receive any cryptocurrency, token, or NFT. The ENS team has a wonderful blog: Check it out and set up your own .eth name! The gas fees are relatively low these days πŸ˜‰ Btw, ENS names are NFTs as well 😻😻
Michael Demarais
ENS is like a portable username/profile that you **own** and can use across apps! you gotta cop a .eth
@nikolay hard to disagree with this though πŸ‘€πŸ˜¬
@mikedemarais I got mine yesterday! Super stoked 🀘πŸ’ͺ
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@nikolay well no one can take away a .eth name from you and you can pay once and have it for life, so sounds like "own" to me
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@nikolay there's no auction. ? and not sure how it's "twisting" to say that "no one can take away a .eth name from you and you can pay once and have it for life, so sounds like "own" to me"
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@nikolay yes, when a .eth name is released, it has a $2k premium that linearly decreases over 28 days until it's gone. FYI, no ENS protocol fees for subdomains or DNS names imported into ENS
Blake Hunsicker
I bought two ENS names yesterday! they were cheaper than a lot of domains and feel like a universal sign in for web3 sites.
Blake Hunsicker
I said it’s cheaper than a lot of domains, not all. I paid $11 for an ENS name last week. Also in the future gas should go down, and the price might as well.
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@blakehunsicker @nikolay the prices for .ETH names are set in USD, not ETH, so the price of ETH isn't relevant. Also, you can import a DNS name you already own (with no ENS protocol fee, tho you have to pay the Ethereum network gas fee once)
Blake Hunsicker
@brantlymillegan @nikolay If the solutions some orgs are working on (ex: Polygon, Arbitrum, etc.) pay off, then that won't be an issue anymore.
Trenton Van Epps
universal usernames, portable throughout web3, and all decentralized products! replaces long ass addresses with human readable text! ENS is a key identity primitive in the space, you should definitely get one today. no one manages the protocol, so once you claim your name, it's yours as long as you have it. also works for addresses outside of Ethereum!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
@isnhp we've already got some requests for it, and in a time horizon of a decade, I do see it as a major shift πŸ˜‡
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@isnhp @adityavsc happening faster than you think, this is already the normal way to sign in for web3 dapps which is already a multi-billion dollar industry, web2 is boomer
Simon Stern
This is awesome. I was already addicted to buying domain names, by turning my domains into NFT's will definitely get me putting a lot more thought into them! :P
@simistern lol buying domain names and not doing anything with them should be considered a felony. I plead guilty 😰😰
Taylor Culbertson
Love ENS. I actually bought an ENS domain for Hedgehog when the project was initially released. Been meaning to integrate it it further into our platform. Would love to connect with someone about that actually πŸ˜¬πŸ‘πŸΌ
@colbycornish that's super cool! Feel free to reach out to I'm sure he will be able to guide :)
brantly.eth (Brantly Millegan)
@colbycornish sounds cool man, feel free to DM me on Twitter and we'll help πŸ‘
<3 <3 <3
Hina Khan
Getting profit from it
Crypto Tee Shop
awesome service, purchased 3 last night!
Injective Intern
Imagine owning domain before google.