Hi Hunters!
My name is Tom and with @Menznaricnet, we are co-founders of Enso Monitoring.
It started as a personal need, we wanted an easy to setup tool to monitor our products.
What makes Enso unique in our opinion are couple things.
Firstly, it's the accompanying desktop app, which lets you view your monitors in real time.
Next, we have advanced features for power users, which lets you set up fully featured HTTP request checking by using advanced options from configuring authentication, custom headers or even cookies.
This means you can configure Enso to serve as cron trigger, so you can easily get notifications when jobs fail, or an API monitor, in addition to the basic web monitoring.
This totally new for us, so any questions and feedback will be appreciated :)
Really wish the alerts would stop arriving in my inbox after I deleted my account. Or that someone was monitoring the website chat thing. Or that replying to the alert emails (like the alert email itself suggests) worked. ☹️