Shuang Guan

Engram Translator - Translate text in 11 styles from Academic to Advertising


Engram reimagines AI translation with 11 styles that optimize translations for your context. Try “Academic” for research papers, or “Advertising” for social media content. Save hours of editing time with translations tailored to your needs.

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Shuang Guan
Hi everyone, We’re excited to share some huge news! Engram’s Translator now offers 11 translation styles so you can get translations that are tailored for your context. For example, try “Academic” for research papers or “Advertising” for social media content. 1️⃣1️⃣ Styles: Standard, Formal, Casual, Academic, Bulleted, Legal, Advertising, Literary, Shorter, Longer, Easier 💡 The AHA moment Our users have been telling us that they’re frustrated with results that just sound “off” for their situation. Maybe it’s too formal; maybe it’s not formal enough; maybe it sounds flat and robotic. And then it’s extra frustrating to have to fix it yourself with additional tools. They wanted alternatives, and we realized… …if Paraphrasers have styles, why not Translators? 🤯 By specifying the style, you can tailor the translation to your needs. Your legal document will be precise and formal. Your advertisement will be engaging and persuasive. And you can spend less time editing translations because they’ll be better from the start. ✅ Bonus perks Engram’s Translator works even when your text - uses slang - is a mix of English and other languages - lacks consistency - has messy line breaks (usually when copy-pasting from a PDF) 🫶 Thank you, Product Hunt Thanks for the support. To show our appreciation, use the exclusive promo code “PH10” to get a 10-day free trial of Engram PREMIUM. PREMIUM users get all 11 styles, while free users get 3 styles. How to redeem: → sign up for a free account → Settings → Redeem Code. Hope you give it a try, and if you have any feedback, we'd love to hear it! Engram Team
Seung Oh
A great translation meets a variety of criteria, successfully fulfilling its intended role within a given context. The key lies in accurately assessing what holds greater importance: readability or fidelity, based on the specific situation. Humans can outperform machines in translation due to their unique ability, specifically, their 'strategic decision-making capacity.' No matter how adaptable and rational a machine is, it cannot create new rules that haven't been 'inputted' by humans. In contrast, humans possess the remarkable ability to confront and resolve an infinite array of translation challenges that arise in diverse situations. A translator must, first, be able to generate various alternatives for translating a single source text, and second, select the most appropriate translation based on the context at hand. Engram aims to assist individuals in making strategic choices by offering 11 different styles. We encourage all users of Engram to avoid wasting time creating better alternatives from unsuitable machine translations, and instead, focus on the strategic decisions that only a human can make. - Translated by Engram using ‘advertising’ style
Olena Variacheva
I recommend Engram Translator for those who are looking for a professional and contextual translation into various styles. This tool supports 11 unique styles, from academic to promotional, making it ideal for a variety of tasks, whether it's translating for a scientific article or a social media post.
Seung Oh
@varrr_al Thank you so much for the recommendation! Like you said, Engram Translator is for professionals who do not easily compromise their content quality. Hope you like it!
This is a very exciting project. looking forward to it!
Seung Oh
@new_user__0152024dbac5b5f86cf8b94 Thank you so much for your interest. Hope you love it!
Johanna John
This tool makes my writing sound so much natural i feel confident using it
Seung Oh
@johanna_john1 Great! I'm glad you liked it!
Max Comperatore
Launching soon!
this is sweet. upvoted. will be using.
Seung Oh
@maxcompe Thanks! We'll work hard to make it even better.
Launching soon!
great all the best buddy