I had a pre-release copy of this book and loved it so much that I gave Robert a video testimonial. Seriously, communication is where most freelancers fall WAY short and this book helps fix that.
This is a book I wrote over the course of the past year. I started Workshop, a service that helps freelancers find work. A lot of members made a lot of money but there was also another group who made nothing.
I found out it was because of the emails they were sending, not their level of freelance work. So I started working with everyone individually and extracted the lessons from those sessions into this book.
@eriktorenberg Sure! I'd say avoiding the biggest mistakes is huge.
-- Deliver value as quickly as possible, don't worry that you're giving away the farm for free
-- Don't send a super long email, 70-100 words is fine for a cold email
-- Focus on the sender not yourself, replace all the sentences that start with "I" with "you"
-- Make it really easy to reply, a client should just have to say "sounds good"
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Emails That Win (book)
Emails That Win (book)
The Prayer Page