The P2P chat that doesn't care to track you.
Matthew Gates

Ectochat — The P2P chat that doesn't care to track you.

Ectochat is a P2P private communication channel that allows you and anyone else to connect and chat through your browser. Experience and enjoy true free communication without worrying about any invasion of privacy when it comes to whatever you talk about!
Matthew Gates
This product is completely open-source and while I only used the source code to create it with permission from Chris McCormick, I decided to turn it into a viable usable free chat service. With social media growing ever more powerful, there's no communication channels that are truly private and not logged or tracked anymore. With this chat service, you are given back the ability to own your freedom again to talk about anything you want without worrying about who might be reading. The only ones reading are the ones who are in the chat channel. Once both parties leave, the chat and any log of it is destroyed.