Dynamic Wallpaper Club
A Mac in a Day.
Felix Plachtzik

Dynamic Wallpaper Club — Make and share dynamic wallpapers for macOS

Tired of looking at the Mojave desert day and night?
Dynamic Wallpaper Club is the first platform to create and share Dynamic Wallpapers for macOS.
Jasper van der Meij
Niiice! I was searching for new ones some months ago, and couldn't find any good ones. I added a few to a folder, and opened them in the desktop preferences. The thumbs look like the default image, see https://imgur.com/lsbukYN - Is that an OSX bug, or something you haven't added in the files yet?
Grischa Erbe
Thanks @jvdmeij! This unfortunately is a macOS bug! It's minor, but annoying and not very 🍎. Let's see if they address that in Catalina!
Angela Gyetvan

Had to go back and crop vertical photos to horizontal so they wouldn't be uploaded sideways.


Simple interface - awesome.


Need to be able to rotate photos.

Grischa Erbe
Thanks you for your review and your feedback @notgyet13! This unfortunately happens when photos are rotated by EXIF data only. We are working on it and it will be resolved in the next iteration of our Tool!
Grischa Erbe
Hey @notgyet13! Just wanted to let you know that we addressed this behaviour in the latest release and your images should now auto rotate, also based on EXIF data :)
Rick M
Love this idea. It always bugged me that when iOS introduced dynamic wallpapers (remember those?) you couldn't add your own. So glad it's easier on macOS. I've gone with your earth and beach ones and they look stunning! Great product!
Grischa Erbe
@rick_m1 Thanks! And yes, we know that problem :) Unfortunately iOS dynamic wallpapers again work in a different way...
Grischa Erbe
Since we three are designers, we were amazed by what Apple implemented with Dynamic Desktops and at the same time disappointed that only two wallpapers were included and there was no way to easily make them yourself. We then decided to make it a community effort to come up with good designs and provide a tool free for everyone to use to create your own Dynamic Desktops.
Michał Kostrzyński
Super cool! Honestly, since Mojave came out I didn't know that you can use custom dynamic wallpapers (I was sure you're stuck with the default ones only) so it's a godsend for me as I adore the fact that they change! Super, super cool!
Felix Plachtzik
@mikethejsdev thanks :) let your wallpaper beast out 🤙
Saurav Wagh
Great product, also check Landscape Wallpapers for quality wallpapers.
Rick M

What more can I say, they're beautiful!


Really nice selection of wallapers, great that the site's been done as a sharing community


None that I can think of

Ryan Hoover
Love this project, @grischa_erbe. Nice touches with the daytime/nighttime modes.
Grischa Erbe
Thanks @rrhoover! We are also working on a completely new way of creating these wallpapers, think of it more like a video editing interface...
Steven Bennett

Look forward to downloads being restored.


Wallpapers look amazing


Get a 404 when I click the download button

Grischa Erbe
Hey @ducks, sorry to hear that! Let us try to reproduce the error so we can fix it! Thanks for your feedback!
Larissa Mantel

Also like the simple website design


Cool idea! It's hard to chose a wallpaper cause there are so many nice ones... and everything for free 👌



Edwin Carbajal
now this is awesome
James Daly
Such a great idea for a product! 👏👏👏
Vinay Patil
Sorry for the dumb question, How'd you set the wallpaper?
Moritz Barral