Jordan Lampe

On-demand Bank Transfers by Dwolla - Collect variable payments from a payer’s bank account

On-demand bank transfers are perfect for companies with usage-based business models, such as utilities or advertising platforms. No other third-party gateways or merchant accounts required, just your Dwolla integration and payer authorization.

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Asi Behar
For those of you not in this space, I cannot emphasize enough just how tough it is to be able to set up ACH transfers, especially if you're doing anything even slightly outside of the norm. Dwolla has been an incredible partner for us and has given our savers the ability to transfer money amongst multiple accounts in their control. While a third party service to help you save across your own accounts may not seem like a controversial service, it's something that, in our experience, most other payment providers or banks shied away from. This is yet another great step towards a more accessible and easier banking/integration world.
James Eliason
@asibehar Thank you! You guys have been great partners, appreciate your kind words
Jordan Lampe
Hey ProductHunt, my name is Jordan. James, our product manager for on-demand bank transfers, is also here. First, a quick history lesson: At Dwolla, we've worked exclusively on bank transfers for over 5 years. A matter of fact, back in 2011, we were the first network to open our APIs. It allowed developers to easily and quickly leverage the bank transfer network, called ACH, with simple Dwolla-branded end-user experiences and flows. Lately, however, we’ve been making it easier for platforms, like, or marketplaces, like GOAT, to brand, control, and enable their own end-user experience via our new white label API. About On-demand bank transfers: Many platforms need to collect payments from their customers in the future. These could be for fixed or variable amounts, recurring or one-off. To date, using ACH for this sort of billing has been hard to build and support. On-demand bank transfers allow platforms to enable their payers to authorize transfers for variable amounts from their bank account using ACH at a later point in time for products or services delivered. It’s one simple additional step—a quick authorization from the customer when they instantly verify a bank account. On-demand bank transfers allow platforms to enable their payers to authorize transfers for variable amounts from their bank account using ACH at a later point in time for products or services delivered. It’s one simple additional step—a quick authorization from the customer when they instantly verify a bank account. This is great for companies like: - Cloud computing services. Fees can be different every month, requiring ongoing authorization so a customer can easily pay for a service, and the company can easily bill for the service. - Utilities. A water company bill is rarely the same each month. Same with electrical, and gas. The amount collected at the end of each month is usage-based, or metered. - Ride sharing or asset sharing platforms. The amount a customer is charged for a ride across town depends on a variety of factors. We make it easy for sharing companies to bill their customers, while reducing the hassle for the end customer on each trip. - B2B services that bill on a variable basis. Some orders may require a bank transfer on NET terms and others may be fulfilled once the goods are delivered. Either way, both should be possible.
Klajdi Turlla
This is great. I have a question regarding you integration model with the banks. What type of integration do you use, do you integrate with each of your bank partners on a Core Banking System level?
Ben Milne
@klajdi_kl While we do core banking integrations with our FiSync product, the companies using white label are predominately using ACH through our APIs. This allows partners to debit/credit accounts at any bank in the US whether or not we have a direct integration with them.
Klajdi Turlla
Many thanks for the insight @bpmilne I love companies that are building on top of the bank infrastructure and the way you guys have developed the network is amazing. I am part of a company in a small country in Europe, developing similar services with the banks and you guys are an inspiration for us to reach the same level of perfection :-)
Ben Milne
@klajdi_kl Thanks for the kind words. Let us know if you'd like any help coming to the US market! -
Shane Reiser
Congrats on the launch!
Nicolas Spehler
From a UX perspective, you should probably change the GIF on your homepage. I really thought it was a live demo until I realized it was just an animated GIF.
Jordan Lampe
@nspehler Edit: I see now what you're saying. Yeah, I think there's room for clarity here. Would be interested in any other pieces of feedback you might have.
Jeremy Sharvit
@jslampe Would I be able to, for example, authorize a payment today (see if funds are available) and then collect that payment at a later date?
Jordan Lampe
@jeremysharvit If I understand your question correctly, yes. With this functionality, end-users authorize Dwolla during their bank verification flow. This allows you (i.e. the platform) to collect a payment at a later date. This does not hold the funds in escrow or check balances. This would be a different service. Feel free to email me at, if I misunderstood. I'll be sure to get in touch with the right people to answer any question you might have.
bullion capital
wow. Nice product. try below link for Demat Trading. demat account opening
Karakurt Production
It seems to me that this is really a very cool and promising application, but my friend said that there is very weak protection of confidential data. Once I decided to buy goods from Europe and I had to pay about $ 3,000 for this, but the problem was that I lived in India and the transaction lasted a very long time, and besides, I paid a huge commission of $ 500. I also had problems with the IFCS code of the bank, namely, I somehow forgot the code of my bank and I did not have time to restore it in the bank, and then came to my aid. There are a lot of different codes and it just saved me. So it’s better not to risk it or make transactions across the border.