Jack Smith

Duo - Personal AI computer for your home. Like JARVIS. ๐Ÿ—ฃ.


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Jack Kim
Hi Product Hunt! Great to be here. First things first - Duo is NOT a smart mirror! Rather, itโ€™s a computer with a reflective display. We decided it's the best form factor to blend such a big computer into a home, becoming noticeable only when you need it (who wants to have a massive black screen hanging on their wall?) Duo is voice-activated and fully touch enabled. It has a huge 27" full 1080p display with 5-point multi-touch across the whole screen. You can control any app with your voice by talking to Albert, our AI assistant that lives inside Duo. You can personalize Albert from its name, gender, accent, and even sarcasm level. Duo runs HomeOS, our own operating system, and will ship with a handful of really useful native apps like Music, Weather, and Gallery. If youโ€™re a developer, you can apply for a Development Kit here (https://duo.computer/devkit/) to receive a pre-production unit in July!
Ben Mehling
@jack7kim Looks pretty interesting -- thanks for sharing! - anything special about the mirror surface? My family would have to hire a full-time Duo caretaker to keep the surface of a touchscreen mirror clean. - What home automation integration (smartthings, homekit, ?) is/will be available w/ HomeOS?
Eric Miller
@jack7kim why do none of your claimed investors list you on crunchbase? At first I thought this may have been a scam, but I know producthunt does their homework so this has to be legit. Love the product concept! Never cared for Alexa, Home or Siri. This is a game changer.
Jack Kim
@epic__miller Hey Eric, we're going through betaworks' voicecamp program, which co-invests with Lightspeed, Launch Capital, etc. It's a small enough of an investment, so I could see them not listing in on their crunchbase. We'll actually clear this up on our About page.
Patrick Montague
@jack7kim @epic__miller I can confirm exactly what Jack outlines here. I'd also add that funding announcements (and crunchbase profiles) usually take place a few weeks or even months after the financing has been completed.
Sara Seibt
@jack7kim "even sarcasm level". You guys understand the future...and me.
Kunal Bhatia
Cool concept! How can you extend the Duo experience to the whole house without adding more displays around the house?
Jack Kim
@kunalslab Yes, HomeOS is built to run on any device with a screen, microphone, and speakers, so you can easily extend it across different devices throughout the house. We're also adding native Alexa integration into Duo, so you can easily plug it into your already existing ecosystem.
Kunal Bhatia
@jack7kim ahh. I see that in your FAQ now. Perhaps surfacing this information on the landing page might help convince devs to join you to build for the platform?
Jack Kim
@kunalslab Do you mean surfacing the Alexa integration or flexibility of HomeOS?
Kunal Bhatia
@jack7kim I suppose both. HomeOS is quite far down the page and your explanation here was better. Alexa and other upcoming integrations could get a brief plug.
Jack Kim
@kunalslab Got it, I agree. Thanks for the feedback, we'll try to implement it into the site + marketing. ๐Ÿ™
Nile Frater
I'm keen to grab a Dev kit for this but it does seem too good to be true - lots of tech packed in there for not a lot of money, lots of software too! Seems like a large shipment for a new company. Nonetheless, if everything is as it seems, I hope to have several of these in my home!
Kevin Guebert
@nilefrater Same boat - a little hesitant. The demo video is gorgeous and very well done, almost too well done ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
Jack Kim
@nilefrater Hey Nile, we're offering an especially low price to try to get Duo into as many homes as possible first. While hardware is super important, we're almost putting more emphasis on our software and homeOS platform (which can run on other devices).
David Allison
@jack7kim I think this is a smart idea actually. Once friends see this in action in your living room they will want to know what it is, and I hope... where to buy one. Seeing it in use should sell itself. I love how it's rapport seems very natural.
Jonny Thaw
Oh wow, this looks incredible. I love the UI concepts. Really impressed with how far along the tech demo seems too
Jack Kim
@jthawme Thanks Jonny!
Daniel Sykes-Turner
Awesome to see it close to production! First thing I plan to do with one is to build in my IoT curtains and coffee machine heh
Rafael Dymek
@daniel_sykes_turner Can't wait to see the exciting things people will do with Duo, thanks Daniel!
Jack Smith
Pretty cool concept of using a mirror as a central home computer. Could see a lot of potential with different apps being made for it.
Rafael Dymek
@_jacksmith Thanks Jack, we're really looking forward to pushing the possibilities and boundaries of Duo!
Cal Evans
Does Duo (or homeOS) send my information up to a central computer for processing (e.g. Alexa) or does my information stay local on my network?
Jack Kim
@calevans Hi Cal, most of the speech processing is handled on a server for maximum speed/accuracy/consistency.
Cal Evans
@jack7kim That was what I was afraid of. Thanks for clearing that up.
Tony Brix
I could really see angry mom mode being useful for motivation ๐Ÿคฃ
Jack Kim
TC Barman
How this going? any update to make it a reality?
TC Barman
Any updates on the product yet?
Elizabeth Mayfield
I've seen a lot of AI products but this seems to come closer to easy human rapport than most, looking forward to seeing how the personalities develop!
I'm a little concerned about security because you say it's your own OS. Especially given the recent Tizen security holes.
Adam Bowie
@jack7kim - This is cool, the dev options caught my attention immediately. We have a cool use case for some of our clients in Nashville, I just completed the Duo developer application. Would love to connect once you take a look at it. Exciting product...the fact we could develop for such a gorgeous UI without some special OS is extremely appealing. Looking forward to learning more
Jack Kim
@rushhourlocal Thanks and we'll definitely be in touch!
Laszlo Levente Mรกri
2017 is all about smart mirrors ๐Ÿ˜บ
Would it support android or ios in any way?
Karishma N Shah
This is really cool man! Just wondering how difficult or easy it would be to read fonts or watch movies without any obstruction from the reflection off the mirror in bright light. May be will know only after trying it out ๐Ÿ˜„ Amazing concept ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Loved the personality packs ideas ๐Ÿ˜‰
This is so dope
Jack Kim
@nikkw0ng do we know you or something?
@jack7kim @nikkw0ng i feel that there might've been a misunderstanding. "this is so dope" literally just means "this is so cool", so there was no alluding to knowing you of any kind (unless there was more than i know of) :)
Jack Kim
@thewrongjoshua @nikkw0ng he's one of our cofounders
Francis Kim
โœŒ๏ธ Great job! Added to: https://www.producthunt.com/@fra...
Apple should have created this using SIRI
Micka Touillaud
Look like a promising product! A bit concerned about few things: -First it's a giant iPad without any usability other than voice. Any keyboard in here? -A reflective surface, means that you will only see your face with a lot of finger marks. -What's the value of displaying content in an additional home screen? Can't you do it with your Smart TV + Voice? -Uses cases seems to be tiny and difficult to run through. -Love the personalization of Albert's personality, think it will be a must have in voice assistant in a near future. (How do you manage to keep this promise with Alexa inside?)