
Dry Steppers - Keep those crazy kicks crazy clean

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Arjun Sundararajan
What do dry steppers do ? They keep your shoes clean. What do shoes do ? They keep your feet clean. Do you have anything that keep my dry steppers clean ?
OMG, it'd be far less than trendy to wear these at a party, BUT it would prevent the accidental "beer slosh" from ruining brand new white Yeezy's... @nickabouzeid
Nick Abouzeid
@katesegrin For my peace of mind, this might be worth it 🤔
Nick Abouzeid
@danielsing3r I'm tempted đź‘€
Ryan Hoover
Reminds me of those plastic coats grandparents put on their furniture :P
Fraser Smith
What goes around, comes around. Before I was born (and that's a long time ago) these were called "galoshes". In more recent times, this modern variation has become pretty commonplace here in China. My kids have them, but totally refuse to wear them because they're deeply uncool. So, it seems if you add a picture of a cool shoe to the side, they'll achieve uber coolness, and allow you to inflate the price 20 fold. Good luck with that. I'm with my kids. ;-)
Dre Durrđź’ˇ
This is hilarious. Its such a simple idea. I'm having one of those "Why didn't I think of that" moments. When I did Warrior Dash I just threw my shoes away because they were covered in mud. If Dry Steppers was available I still wouldn't use it because it would ruin my time. But hey ...🤷‍♂️ Now I have options Dope 🚬🚬
Ever get stuck at a music festival when it starts raining and you find yourself caught in muddy swamp? Would have loved to have a pair of these in my pocket to avoid ruining my shoes
@durex it’s your turn now
Gerard van Kempen
This is awfully ridiculous. So it's not okay for shoes to show a bit of dirt, but it is okay to walk around with plastic bags on your feet? Either just clean your shoes once in a while, or don't buy white shoes (or at least don't wear them when it rains).
Artem Shaladanov
Great idea!!
Laf. Julius
This is a great idea!