Alexandre Leclair

Drunk Letters - Forget everything you know about drunk texting.

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Chloe Alpert
Hey - this looks cute, but it took me a few minutes to actually understand what it was. "Forget everything you know about drunk texting." Is cute, but I feel like you need to tell me in plain english what it is you're doing for $4/$3 dollars. "$4, or $3 with a tweet. Ships worldwide." doesn't tell me anything.
Alexandre Leclair
@chloealpert Thanks! Really appreciate the feedback! It's a social experiment I'm doing on physical vs digital trends. It's basically a letter. I was playing the with the drunk angle of text messages, seeing if people would find it funny/interesting do the same with physical mail. I'l definitely review the copy!
Alexandre Leclair
This is a weekend project. Yes, it works for real. Happy to answer questions!