Not sure how to get the UX right without running behind the professionals to code it? What if you could build custom UI components on your own with no-code?
@phatggg Hi - thanks for checking. Just to clarify - grapeJS lets you build web app while in DronaHQ - the designer lets you build Ui Controls. Once you build any Ui control - you can add 3 below elements to the control to make it usable in DronaHQ Studio (which is an App builder).
-> 1) Make texts bindable - it means that in Studio you can use formulas to resolve data that should bind do any given text/label in the Ui
-> 2) Add actions to any label/button - you can just set any label and add action to it. Once thats done - in Studio (the app builder) - you can set actionables on it. example you can call APIs or do phone calls or open any URL or multiple other things that studio offers.
-> 3) Add states to any Ui block - states can be used in Studio (Ui builder) to define rules basis some data on the frontend dynamically to set/remove a given state. For example - you may be building a simple to-do list. And for all items which are checked and done you may want to represent it with a check box. With states you can achieve this.
So to summarise -> With grapeJS you build web app, with DronaHQ designer you end up building components to build not Ui but "Ui Controls" which could be used in the Studio (Ui composer/builder) to further add business rules/logic to it in your app.
Totally understand. We have positioned DronaHQ as a business tool for making apps/ processes or forms. But to your point we will be enabling sign-in with google shortly. thanks for checking.