Hey everyone! I'm the founder and CEO at Drafted, and we are excited to be on PH today. Teams that are hiring often have "sourcing meetings" where they spend hours combing through individual team members' networks trying to find good candidates and then doing cold outreach. Drafted for teams saves hours of searching by combing the network for you, and improves your response rates by 10x by helping you get personal introductions through your social and professional networks. Would love to hear suggestions and feedback.
@davidsfeng this is driven by connections from google, LinkedIn, and we are adding more sources soon. Indeed, there is a smart learning algorithm behind the scenes that helps recommend who to go after. We believe in AI assisted human decision making :)
We tend to know people who are like us. This translates to us hiring people who are like us. Doesn't a tool like this just make the issue of poor diversity in companies worse? Are you taking any steps to help combat this?
@imatincr Thanks for bringing this up Boris. Some sample research studies claim that 60-70% of referrals are between people that share some characteristics (e.g gender, ethnicity). But what those studies miss is that many of these referrals are "top of mind" referrals i.e people answering the question "Who do you know" without consulting their rolodex. By allowing talent teams to comprehensively search the network and surfacing candidates through the Drafted smart matching algorithm, Drafted helps bring the forgotten 30-40% back to "top of mind". Even more importantly, it makes them more accessible through introductions.
Any intention to offer an option to intentionally surface minority candidates? I think you have a great opportunity to seriously differentiate your product here.
@imatincr Referrals produce the best hires. True, heterogeneous referrals is a great differentiator. Our way of enabling those is to surface candidates that are not "top of mind" and also from your social networks (not just team). Recommending people who wouldn't otherwise be considered as part of the candidate pool is a better way to produce a diversity of referrals, rather than creating a profiling tool. Hiring is hard - we hope to differentiate around many hiring challenges, diversity or otherwise.
Employee referrals is the #1 way most companies hire. By building an open marketplace for referral based hiring, Drafted enables employees as well as a company's extended network to refer candidates from their own networks, help their friends get great jobs and get rewarded along the way.
I spend 70% of my time recruiting - it is time consuming but essential for building a startup. Anything that helps streamline the recruitng process, especially for referrals, is very helpful!
There's other competitors in the market for referrals but none are as simple and clean as this. Love it. I also love the concept of AI assisted human decision making. Well done, will be recommending this to clients.
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US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer
US Layoffs Explorer
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US Layoffs Explorer