Color Scheme Generator is free online tool to generate color schemes based on a single base color. Supports the following color scheme types: Complementary, Triadic, Split Complementary, Double Complementary, Monochromatic and Analogous.
Best Startup Tools is a carefully curated directory of tools for Startups with 600+ tools listed in 53 categories. Categories include SEO Tools, Website Design Tools, Development Tools, Deployment Tools , Mobile App Development Tools, Sales Tools, Social Media Tools, Keyword Research Tools, Email Tools, Marketing & Lead Generation Tools.
Startuphack is a community driven website where users curate the best articles, tools and resources for startups and share them with each other, furthermore everyone can vote on which links are the very best and these links appear on the frontpage helping you save time by filtering through the noise.
This PHP script will go through your RSS feed and automatically post an item from it to your Twitter account every X minutes (X interval is configurable).
This script is smart enough to not post the same RSS feed item more than once.
It will also include a random hashtag from a list of hashtags you enter in the config file.
Ultra-cheap but highly effective SEO Service: we'll rank you in the top ten of Google for your chosen keywords, no matter how competitive.
If we don't deliver in six months we'll give you 80% percent ($800) of your money back.
CSS Button Generator is a free online tool to make pure CSS/CSS3 buttons. The generated CSS buttons should work with all major modern browsers, and for older browsers a more basic (but still acceptable) version of the button (such as without gradients) will be shown.