Nathan Baschez

Dimensional - The social, personality testing platform


Dimensional uses personality science to help users better understand themselves and their friends. The app captures users' unique personality through of suite of assessments (100+ traits) and gives them personalized insights into themselves and relationships.

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Ryan Hoover
I'm a sucker for these things. I think people should be cautious adopting prescribed personality titles, but well-researched tests can give people languages and a better understanding of themselves.
Saeid Fard
@rrhoover completely agree re: labels. There's a paradox of human psychology where we simultaneously want to feel a sense of belonging and a sense of uniqueness. The reality is we are all incredibly unique and can't be reduced to a set of letters or colors, but at the same time there are patterns of behavior and personality that seem to persist across cultures and time. We try to address this by incorporating both a top-down and bottom-up model of personality. Dimensional measures people across nearly 200 traits (and 10 dimensions of personality). It's kind of like 23 and Me for personality. But we also give people top-down archetypes of their personality across contexts like work, love, and core identity. The idea is that these archetypes are a foot-in-the-door and give users a sense of belonging and understanding for some of their patterns of behavior and cognition, but they can dig deeper into their traits as well. More here if interested:
Nathan Baschez
I can't possibly emphasize enough how important it is to understand yourself better. Dimensional is a fascinating new mobile app that helps you do just that. Check it out!
Joe Hootman
what kind of value do you offer to data brokers looking to buy the app's linking of PII and personality?
Saeid Fard
@hoottech we're super focused on privacy so we don't sell data.
Joe Hootman
@sfard thanks - as a potential user, that's really helpful, important information. Kudos for considering ways to surface its presentation on website and app store.
Jason Goldlist
Been a long-time user since the beta. It’s incredible to see the progress that’s been made. My wife and I both used the app and it opened up so much about our relationship. It’s even helped me put into words some of my tendencies and quirks with my team. Really excited to see where the team takes this. My only ask is that I’d really love some kind of web profile that I can send to people who don’t have a Dimensional account.
Hugo Alves
I've been using Dimensional for quite some time and I can't emphasise enough how amazing it is. The UX is amazing (you can feel the craft behind the product) and the insights into your personality and how you look at the world are spot-on. I have a guess to where the team might be heading next (dating) but would love to hear from them if that is the case. I say this because the "matching" part of the app is really well done with 3 main categories: Harmony (the good stuff), Caution (the bad stuff) and Consider (things to look out for).
Hugo Alves
One thing I'd live to say would be Android support. I have a couple of friends I've recommended the app to but they can't try it since they're Android users.
Saeid Fard
@ugo_alves Hi Hugo! Thanks for being a long-time user. We're actually not trying to build another dating app. At least not anytime soon. We think of Dimensional as a relationship app. We're building features that help you get to know your partner (or prospective partners) better and facilitate conversation and understanding. So less about whether you should or shouldn't date someone and more about what you should know about them to really get to know them and decide for yourself.
Saeid Fard
Hi Product Hunt! I'm one of the founders of Dimensional. Big thanks @nbashaw for hunting us! We're not building yet another personality test. We're building a personality testing platform that let's people take a suite of assessments in a unified design language and framework and connect with others to better understand them. Our vision is take personality testing from a one-off thing you do once in a while and never look at again into a very comprehensive profile that you can take with you to personalize other online experiences from dating to work. We're building a brand rooted in awareness and kindness. Most consumer apps build engagement loops that ultimately make us feel exhausted and worse about ourselves. We're trying to build something that actually makes people feel better when they use it. Would love if you gave it a shot. We're super open to feedback and continuously do user interviews to better understand the needs of our users, so feel free to ping me. Happy to answer any questions people have!
Krista Bennatti
I love this app. Other than email and messaging, it's the only app every day. Any plans to add tools to help with founder relationships? There's definitely a market for that
Saeid Fard
@kbenna Not an explicit product to analyze founder relationships, but my cofounder and I have used Dimensional to discuss conflict and working styles. I think the work-related compatibility insights would all be informative for you!
Randy Levitch
In brief, what are the benefits of this app versus the well-established Myers-Briggs personality indicator test? MBPI books, apps, blogs…are the gold standard.
Saeid Fard
@onelocalfamily great question! We are a platform that unifies multiple assessments into a single user experience. Our innovation is not inventing yet another personality assessment. Our focus is on making personality tests useful on an ongoing basis. We create a trait profile for each user based on ~200 traits and let people connect with others on the platform to better understand their relationships. Users also get a drip of personalized content drops over time.
Randy Levitch
BTW Dimensional is listed in the iOS store with a bunch of astrology & horoscope apps when clicking on “You Might Also Like”…just sayin’
Saeid Fard
@onelocalfamily that's not surprising, actually. We don't use any astrology in our app, but ultimately for a lot of people we serve a similar need: understanding ourselves and making sense of what feels like chaos in the world and our relationships :)
Cristina Bunea
such a fun app. after spending 45 minutes on it I might have to edit my "do you procrastinate" answer 😂
Saeid Fard
@cristinaibunea You can retake the assessments if you need to 😅
Max Stoiber
This might seem extreme to say, but Dimensional literally changed my life. I think it's because it's the first personality test that had just the right balance between making me feel seen and triggering reflections about parts of my personality that I wasn't aware of. As just one of many examples, one of my highest scoring "patterns" is orthodoxy, which is not a way I would've described myself before — but I really have a deep longing to be somewhat "orthodox" in order to fulfill my even deeper need of being liked. 🤯 Dimensional has literally helped me be better at being me. I'm so glad it exists.
Saeid Fard
@mxstbr this is amazing, Max. Thank you for sharing this story. I'll be bugging you for a product review soon!
Daniel Baum
Sounds cool! Really excited to actually try it out. Keep up the good work!
Saeid Fard
@daniel_baum thank you Daniel! Let us know what you think.
Daniel Engels
Personality tests to help better understand yourself and your friends are a good thing. Personality tests as an employer's requirement for job candidates are a joke.
Saeid Fard
@daniel_engels I couldn't agree more. Personality testing gets a bad rep in large part because it's used to "select" people. In reality, it's incredibly difficult to do that and you end up alienating people. It's way more useful as a framework and vocabulary to describe our inner world and understand each other.
Henna Minhas
Looks interesting!
Peter Wellens
I've struggled with this for a while, and looking inward and discovering my personality traits more carefully was a life-changer. Last year I paid $1500 for a leadership coach to assess these traits in a series of conversations. While it was super helpful (I managed to make some drastic changes for the better in my professional life), it was also static. Does this app also track changes to personality over time? I'm excited to see how certain milestones (e.g. kids, moving, starting a company, getting older) affect how we develop emotionally. I've downloaded the app, curious to get to work on it. Congrats on the launch.
Mark Mulhearne
For anyone introspective, I find Dimensional is a short cut to specific answers it would take years to find. Beautifully designed with a great UI. The key is to look at the results and actually act on them. I find myself looking forward to the insights it pings me with regularly. I can honestly say it's helped me understand some key areas I need to work on but also be more compassionate towards some traits that make us all individuals. If you want to get out of the hamster wheel of cause and reaction and live a more conscientious life, this app is a must. 10/10
I love stuff like this, definitely will give it a try! Congrats on the launch.
Any idea when it will be available on Android?